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So idk how to start a story so this is probably gonna be a lame start

In an office see a beautiful woman working when suddenly she got up and this beautiful woman's name was lucifer but people call her Lucy because she despised that name "lucifer" so she goes by Lucy but a child named Satan and belphie love to torment her with the name lucifer and play funny jokes because she's strict

But today something changed...

"SATAN!"Lucy/lucifer yelled
"What!!"Satan yelled "MAMMON BELPHIE BEEL ASMO LEVITHAN!!" "YES!/WHAT!?" the other demon brothers yelled back and came to his office(Bro I was stuck on not remembering Levi's name💀)

They all arived to witness something strange
Lucifer/Lucy was on a desk yelling for them to kill a cockroach "HELP" they were all surprised to see lucifer act like this "🫢😧" Lucy was scared so she yelled at them to "hurry the f#ck up!! And help me!!" Mammon yelled an "OK" then proceeded to get a broom and stab the roach but it didn't die

"OMD AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"Lucy/lucifer yelled then did a big jump of the desk onto the ground and ran to the door and everyone else was astonished by what they saw Satan even muttered a "wtf..." While beel processed what happened and went to eat the roach but lucifer/lucy yelled not to do that

So beel stoped and went to lucifer/Lucy "are you ok?" Beel asked in concern "NO DO YOU SEE THAT BIG THING!?"Lucy replied scared asf

Beel stayed quiet still shocked he was scared of a roach

Mammon suddenly got attacked by the roach "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HELP ME ITS ATTACKING ME!!" Mammon yelled in fright Lucy suddenly grabbed mammon and ran in the toilet room in the office and called the others to go in there Aswell

"GO INSIDE THE BATHROOM AND THEN WE CAN FIGURE IT OU!!" lucy yelled "OKIE" beel yelled back as they all ran in the bathroom even belphie and Satan listened to lucifer/Lucy

"Do anyone of you guys have a d.d.d on you's?"lucifer said "no we don't" Satan replied with a discusted look "okay-"lucifer/Lucy said but made they okay sound longer "aha! I got an idea!" "What is it Lucy"asmo asked lucy what her idea was

"My idea is too get Levi to put on this current and go out there and get my d.d.d"

"WHAT NO IM NOT GOING OIT THERE!!" Levi replied to Lucifer's request (guys from now on I'm gonna call lucifer Lucy because lucifer is a girl in this au so yea)

Lucy then said "well your younger then me so you go out I can't run!" "You can run tho!!" Levi answered back "no I totally can't run"Lucy replied with a none convincing voice


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" they all screamed except two people belphie because he's asleep next to beel and Satan is just reading a book while sitting on the toilet

Mammon screamed a "WHY IS THE ROACH FLYING AT US THROUGH THE DOOR" Lucy suddenly said "PLS GO OUT LEVI FOR US SO WE CAN CALL FOR HELP" Levi replied with a "who are you even gonna call no one is out there were all stuck in this room" Lucy stopped with a wtf do you mean face then looked around the room then suddenly realised Levi then said "see what are you gonna do-"

"Um THEN WE WILL CALL BARBATOS!" Lucy said cutting Levi off while Levi just stood there with a shocked pickachu face

"What!?" Levi and mammon yelled "yea so go out Levi" Lucy said "no mammon can go" Levi replied to her "um no he can't he's my backup to go out of you die" "HUH!? WHAT NO IM NOT YOUR BACKUP" "WHAT!?SO YOU THINK IM GONNA DIE OUT THERE" "um no I don't think your gonna die Levi and mammon you are backup so suck it up" Lucy said to the two

"Ugh fine" Levi said as he got up and put the shower curtain on himself"be careful ok Levi" beel said to Levi "I will beel" Levi replied to him

Levi ran out then grabbed the d.d.d out of the desk while the roach turned it's head and looked at him then flew at Levi "AGIDAJPFJLAGJLAVJLAGULAGLUSGOUFAFULWFLUSGULFSJLVSLJVSLJVSJLVSLJCSLCSHLFULAFULAFLUAFLHSFJLSVULSGULSVJLVSJLVSJLGSJLFSJLGSOUFUSLLUCSCULSUCLCLSUYLRSHLFALPUTA HELP!!!!!" he threw the phone to the door then Lucy grabbed it and shut the door "HELP ME LUCY!!!!" "I CANT ILL CALL BARBATOS THO!!" Lucy screamed in panic while Levi is flinging the curtain around to get rid of the roach

Suddenly he hit the roach then sprinted to the door and opened it and went in and said to Lucy in betrayal "you left me out there!!" "I couldn't do anything levithan" "yes you could have Lucy!!" "Um no I couldn't have LEVI"

"WHATEVER" Levi screamed in defeat after they yelled for 20 minutes"hmph" Lucy said then started to dial barbatos's number

*Ring Ring* "hello?" The other side of the phone said as they answered "Diavolo what are you doing on barbatos's phone?" Luci said confused "oh he left his d.d.d on my desk for a moment but he's back now" "oh ok can you get him to come to my office it's a code red emergency" "ok me and him are on our way" "huh wait the both of yo-" *beep beep* Diavolo hung up "welp there both coming ig" Luci commented asmo was doing his makeup in the mirror because it was ruined by the roach

Suddenly the could see a portal open through the bathroom window "BARBATOS ITS ABOVE YOUR HEAD" they all screamed even Satan screamed it's above your head while belphie suddenly woke up from this yelling

Barbatos looked above his head "oh is that the emergency" he said while opening the door to the bathroom "WHAT ARE YOU DOING" they all screamed in terror as he opened the door while the roach flew like sonic towards them

Suddenly there was an even louder scream because the roach landed on Lucy they all suddenly look at her to see her screaming while jumping in the air to get it off of her "GET IT OFF" she yelled on the verge of tears

Barbatos used his magic killed it while Lucy looked at the dead roach and winces "*sniffles*" I'm never being in this room again Lucy said in her head but suddenly she said something that shocked everyone

"I'm not keeping this house goodbye you guys can have it" she said then walked out the house having tears roll down her face

"Wait! Don't leave me I need you and I ain't living here no more either!" Mammon yelled and ran after Lucy

Lucy ignored him tho and continued walking to a random place when suddenly they all followed Lucy even Diavolo and barbatos was following Lucy

"Why are you guys following me-"

*BOOM BOOM* the house blew up!

They all stared at it wide eyes

Then Diavolo offered for them to stay at the palace till the house is rebuilt and obviously they agreed

And that's how there house blew up


goodbye hope you guys enjoyed it the first actual book I've wanted to do and I have motivation for lol

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