arcade? no hell.

37 1 4

I know I haven't updated in like 3 or 4 months but meh I got motivation so my phone better not deleted this fudging chapter.


Lucifer was doing his paperwork while falling asleep but he looked invested but it was all a lie he was thinking of sleep

Levi ran in his office asking Lucifer if MC can go to the arcade with him but Lucifer was gonna deny till MC came in with puppy dog eyes

"Ha....fine you guys can go"
Lucy/Lucifer said defeated to tired to deal with there shit but after he said that everyone and I mean everyone from the house came in with puppy dog eyes saying can they go so Lucifer agreed for them to go but MC being a stubborn bitc- tried to make Lucifer go but Lucifer said no sternly because he was too tired

"Pls! Lucy pleaseeeeeeeee just for 1 hour!!"
MC said slipping grim onto the table as a bribe

"MC I'm not mammon but fine I'll go." Lucifer signed before standing up while MC silently cheered

/Time skip at the arcade/

Lucy/Lucifer POV

Barbatos and diavolo decided to join same as Solomon and the angels and I couldn't give two sh*ts I just wanna sleep!

"Lucy come play this game here!" MC said pointing at a dance game "no way- I mean no thanks MC maybe another time" I signed why am I here again? I don't wanna be here. "PLEASEEEEEEE LUCY!!" MC tried to convince me even mammon decided to join if I join

"fine...but no video's or photo's" I said a bit annoyed but I mean who wouldn't be annoyed when they pulled an all nighter reading fanfics- ahem I mean doing paperwork yea paperwork....totally

"Lucy come on let's go play!" MC grabbed my hand like im some chocolate that's gonna run away and dragged me her mout- i mean the dance machine and mammon was already on it the others where no where to be seen so it just us three I felt a little better I guess but I'm a demon I couldn't care if people watched me!

"Lucy get in this position then tap dance to it we all gonna battle ok?" MC said excited "ok!!" Mammon said a bit too enthusiastically while I just muttered a tired 'okay'

/two minutes into the dancing/

"MAMMON YOU!! ARGH STOP YOU GOT MY HAIR STUCK IN YOUR SHIRT ZIPPER" MC yelled frustrated while mammon panicked and got there hair out of the zipper while I was still tap dancing watching them 'this is Boring....' I thought annoyed I just wanna go home like dude-

"Lucy! Come play this game!" Diavolo yelled from the Dodge cars "ok" Lucifer said and went to diavolo (ps : I'mma probs chance between Lucifer and Lucy so y'all don't forget)

"Lady's and gentleman we welcome you to a fun journey on our new dodgem cars!!" The announcement person said

"Lucy you wanna drive? Or me?" Diavolo said hinting he wanting to drive "my Lord I'll be in the car with you Lucy can go alone" barbatos said not convinced of them being together and him driving Lucy will probs go flying if she went with him

"Sheesh fineeeeeeeee" diavolo dragged out his words before getting into the car ready to drive into epopel while barbatos gracefully got into the car seat besides him

"Oh well guess I'm alone" Lucifer said then got in a car herself 'I wonder where the others are? And this shit probably gonna wake me up....' She thought exhausted

But what she didn't know was the brothers and  angels where watching from the gate part to see them play dodgems cars

"3!....2!....1! start!! You can now drive enjoy your time in here!!" The announcement person yelled as he said start

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