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Yoshida doesn't know how he ended up like this.

The air was warm, humid. If it was any other summer nights, he would've turned on the air conditioning with the sheer annoyance of for the suffocating heat.

But today,

However, he was too engaged to even care.

Being balls deep inside someone, if that someone happens to be Denji, he would gladly endure anything.

Yoshida huffed, straightening his back as his slow pace became deep and forcefull. As it savoring the velvety, liquid heat like a starved man.

He eyed the ruined condoms littered across the sheets and on Denji's chest.

One, two, three, four... It was their fourth round already. But still felt like it was not enough. It was never easy to satisfy his hunger when comes to Denji. Yoshida is a chill guy, or so he thinks himself to be. But It was never easy to satisfy his hunger when comes to Denji. It never was. And he is afraid that he can never be satisfied with just taking Denji for the sake of just taking him. It ran deeper then just an contract.

Yoshida wanted to utterly claim him. He had never been this random, this ruined in his entire life.

But Denji didn't seemed to do that good.

The muscles of his adomin were tense, making the rather nice but sublet out line of abs more prominent. Yoshida could feel the small bump on Denji's flat, lower belly, pulling the golden skin tight around it. Just exactly where he was.

Yoshida looked with wonder as the small bulge would disappear when he would pull out completely and then would reappear as he would thrust back in with enough force to make Denji whine.

Speaking of, Yoshida couldn't see his face.

With A slender and lean arm throw across his face, Yoshida could only watch Denji's
Heavy breathing leaving from his kissed red lips and the tear tracks on his cherry red checks with the untamed blonde tuffs of hair sprayed across his black sheats like gold.

It fascinated Yoshida how such young boy with such screwny built could pack so much of a punch.

How his skinny, lanky body of his held such powerful monster in him. The sheer endurance of pain Denji could stomach made Yoshida want to break him.

/ What would it take it absolutely destroy you?/ Yoshida had wondered enough time.

He had thought of doing the unthinkable to Denji just to test his theory enough time to self- diagnosis him with psychopathy.

But nothing about him has ever turned out normal.

So having Denji here, under him, plaint and tight and warm and oh so beautiful made Yoshida gidy.

Maybe, that's why Yoshida pulled out a cigarette from its pack half mind to torment him.

His flickers the lighter shut as he took a deep breath in. He eyed the glorious debauchery under him, thrusting with lazy and deep drags.

Then he leans forward to to hover over the boy. Yoshida slowly pulls back Denji's arm. With a little to no resistance, he is rewarded with a Denji screwing his eyes shut. His golden lashes creating shadows on his upper cheeks, like butterflies.

He looked nice, Yoshida thought. Desperate but nice.

Yoshida took a hold of his chin, he forced open Denji's lips with his thumb. Them dipped his head down to seal their lips together in open mouthed kisses. Making Denji gulp down a month full of smoke.

The previously shut Carmel eyes snapped open. The lips under his lips slided against him curiousity

Yoshida saw it all with his eyes open. Gulped down every reaction, every emotions greedily. The look of surprise then hurt.

Finally when he pulled back up, Denji coughed violently. Then he rusped,"that's Aki's. Aki smoked this brand."

The piercings on Denji's ears glinted Eerily.

Yoshida smiled. "Exactly."

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