5. Heated

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I stand still as I let this gorgeous boy kiss me. Ethan pulls away and I stand there completely melted by the kiss, and he looks at me worried but before any words could be spoken I smash my lips on his and move my hands to his face. Ethan's hands make their way up my body now grabbing my face with his hands deepening the kiss, our lips moved together perfectly. After a couple seconds we both pulled out and just gazed into each others eyes, I never would have thought of kissing my brothers best  friend. 

"Well that was nice." I say smirking trying to break the silence

"Oh I think that was a lot more than nice." Ethan says licking his lips staring directly into my soul. I wanted him. All I wanted. WAS HIM. I wanted to smash my lips onto his moving in sync for hours, straddle him and bring him pleasure. Then let him explore my body and make me feel amazing.

Writers Note: Not many people have read this but I thought I would post this small bit because I probably wont be able to update it until tomorrow and I thought I would give you the rough half of what I have written right now.


(Ethan Edwards) Brothers best friendsWhere stories live. Discover now