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"She needs to be banished, From this realm! COMPLETELY! She is an abomination to this realm". These words came out of her own grandfather also the coldhearted king when he knew who was born.

"Father, she is just a child who took birth only 10 minutes ago, how could you call a child an abomination to the world when you Don't even know what she looks like". Said the child's father also known as the 'prince', soon to be ruler.

"haa--only a could I... call her an abomination...she is not only an ABOMINATION, she is a DEVIL who could destroy the whole kingdom-- she could bring the whole earth to an end--". These vile words came out of the old man sitting on the throne, or in simpler terms, the man we all referred to as "King."

Soon after, the king said, "It has been happening for generations after generations, it's not just her... Han Jung-won..., nobody could stop it".

"Father, that ancestral thing happened eons ago! How can you be so sure it would happen again!? You could kill a COMPLETELY INNOCENT CHI-". Han jung-won spoke but was soon silenced by his coldhearted father

"SILENCE!" That was enough to send the whole throne room in chills.

After a few moments of silence, the king spoke again, "I apologize to lose my temper. But, this so-called "story" is nothing to be bluffing about. Eons before, millions of people had died, due to this curse. And, since we had no cases about it for might not happen again I get it, but I don't want to be no king who would let something like this slide. I've done it once... Not again, and have you already forgotten? About the woman who lost her insanity and went on a rampage of killing innocent people?. I CANNOT, absolutely cannot put our people's lives at DANGER, not again, not anymore". The woman that cold-hearted king referred to was his own daughter who he had forgotten how much he had loved her and she did so in return.

"Your majesty....the wo...women you're talking about...she...she is your daughter, how could you speak about her in that she's nobody to you". A pitiful brother, spoke in despair and spoke out loud in disbelieve, "how can a father be so cruel".

"She is a sinner, and I treated her the way she deserves". "How does she deserve-" "SHE KILLED hundreds of people, if it hadn't been for me, she would've killed all of us. She is a sinner, and she will, even after death".

"What did to you....WHY...why have you changed so loved Yejin more than me, you gave her more attention than what you gave me but still cared for us equally...and now the person you loved...more than anything in this world is the daughter you call a sinner who has no fault of her own".

"Wha-!". The king spoke but almost no sound came out with the shook of realization of what he had been doing

"She had no idea what she was doing, she...had no signs of emotions, it was as if she was fully unconscious".

"Of course she has no emotions, she lost her mind, magic took control of her, can't you see?" king was in denial he didn't want to admit

Han jungwon spoke again with tears almost coming out, "Father.... I sensed black magic....controlling her, manipulating her...".

".....wh...what! BLACK MAGIC, if so, then why didn't I feel it--".

"But she was trying her best to get out of it and get a sense of what was happening but....when she finally had come out of it and realized where she was and had pierced your sword through her heart... without hesitations, Her silent screams still haunt me to this day.

"The way she looked at you when she realized she was stabbed by the person she loved that most....but also there is happiness in her face, almost as if she was in relief she'd die in your hands the person she loves the most and the person who loved her the most...."

"She would not want you to call her like she's a nobody to you, she would like to be called as her name, name that you gave after you and her majesty (mom) 'Han ye-jin' with your surname and Jin from Chaejin or have you forgotten mother too". Woo Chae-Jin the late queen Han Junwons mother died few days after Yejin died, she was sick from the day the twins were born, Han Jung won and Han Yejin.

"Ye-jin wouldn't want you saying things that's so cruel. And father no one deserves death not even the Barbaric, Inhuman murderers out there".

After that the king had fallen into his own consciousness with moments of silence King Han Seokjin spoke his word that he had been hiding because he didn't want to seem weak to the other he wanted to be a strong king who wouldn't fall easy, but he had already fallen after knowing how his children had felt for him, he had lost him self a long time ago but still kept him self up in his own way and treated the people his own way thinking was the best thing to do than.

"I had no choice, I had no choice other than killing her, the men I had sent to take her under control were all dead, I sent all of my best soldiers to bring her to me ALIVE but instead no one came back alive....., I just had no choice I can't let all these people die in front of my eyes, I had to take actions into my hand and do something and that's the only thing I could do at that time. And with what I saw, I believed what all people's not a gift but a curse, and I knew that, but I didn't want to believe because if I had believed I would've had to kill her as a child. The belief would make me do that, that's why I didn't believe those talks and lost so many of my people, but I didn't want you to do the same thing as me, I still don't want you to do that"

"Then if you really felt that way then would you let my daughter live if you let her live I will find the once that made my sister and all the others that had died before and went through the same thing that my sister went through, just give me few days I-".

"No!". The king spoke before he got to finish

"uh--uh- but why your Majesty-". Jung-won feared his daughter would die without him being able to do anything at all

"Just a few days won't be enough to find someone like them, if you're right then they have been doing that for centuries and nobody has caught them didn't even suspect all these things, they probably didn't even know that black magic existed. So I want to give you more chance to prove me I am wrong, that I was wrong for killing your sister without knowing anything, so give you a total of 10 years and that's exactly when they start gaining power....that means you have to bring them to me before she gets her powers".

"...uh--really- Are you really going to let her live.... Thank you your majesty, I will not let you down your majesty, I promise". That's what the prince said, but not what the prince did!.

NOTE: ~Yea not every main character moment but you know his not the main here, his just here for the background story~

Little thing I wanted to add while editing


"And I heard she spoke mom ". The baby spoke mom right after birth it was strange to the people that were there when that child took birth, thought it was a miracle... But the once who knew history, knew the ancestral curse that was apparently on them, knew if wasn't a miracle but was the continuation of the ancestral curse.

"That's pretty much enough proof of what would happen in the future if she lives on". That heartless man on the throne stated".

"WHAT!? Fathe-"

"What, what? Did you think I wouldn't know that. I'm a king, I have my people all around the kingdom".

"You sent spies on me AGAIN!....father... I have my own life, so let me live it".

"YOUR LIFE BELONGS TO ME...AND I control it, after me, it's you that'll be here", the king meant the throne, a throne that's like a prison to Han jung-won, a prison he'd be trapped forever until he grows old and dies or until someone kills him to take his position. The king spoke again like a controlling father that he is, "So behave like it, behave well".

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