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“So, let me get this straight.” You started, staring at the three students that stood before you. One of which was Clara Valac, the student that still believes that you are a teacher. Next to her was the son of the Asmodeus Clan, Alice Asmodeus, and the grandson of Lord Sullivan, Iruma.

“Iruma-kun over here,” You gestured towards the blue haired boy, who sheepishly gave a smile. “Needs help with studying, so you're asking me for any book recommendations that could help him, because he grew up extremely sheltered?”

Clara nodded eagerly.

“I have an idea. Wait here.” You went behind the back, towards your office, where you kept a hidden collection of personal books.

It took you a few seconds to find what you were looking for, hurriedly walking back to the three students. You handed off the books to Iruma, who read the title.

“These are children's books!” Alice exclaimed, taking the books away from Iruma. “You dare call Iruma-sama stupider than a child!?”

“Now, now, there's nothing wrong with picture books.” You calmed down the light pink haired demon. “If you prefer it, Iruma-kun, I can go look for other books for you, but taking into account your background, you'll most likely find it difficult to pick up books with terminology that you haven't grasped quite well yet.

Most educational books written by scholars and alike assume that the reader understands the basic terminology that they're using. The picture books are there to give you a general idea, since you are also at a time crunch. I could also offer methods of studying that you can test whether it'd be suitable or not?” You offered to the blue haired boy.

This boy was, unfortunately, the son of your boss. Considering who Lord Sullivan is, it would bring shame to him and the school if Iruma failed his exams.

“Iruma-sama doesn't ne–” Alice began, but the demon was interrupted by Iruma.

“Actually, I would like that!”

And that's how you ended up tutoring Iruma, alone, in the library. Although the offer did extend towards his two other friends, you didn't think that Iruma would insist on continuing the study session well after Batra hours.

So, well after his friends have left, you were still helping Iruma. 

“Iruma-kun,” You started, shuffling through the papers in thought. “I can't help but notice that you always get the answers right when the question is about Imaginary Things. Are you perhaps related to someone knowledgeable on such topics?”

“Uhm, no, not really. I think the subject is just easier for me.” Iruma stuttered. 

“You'd get along with Balam Shichiro.” You offhandedly commented. “He's quite smart, he is a researcher. Maybe you can seek him out for some help? Well, students don't really like him, so I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't want to.” You muttered, collecting the papers and stacking them neatly. 

“We should end today's session here. If you wish to continue, I'm always available anytime, anyday, as long as it's not on the weekends and not when it's time for resting.” You stood up, quickly ruffling the boy's head. “Go rest up, there's no need to overload your brain with more information that it's capable of processing as of now. Next session, we can review what we've learned so far.”

Iruma stood up as well, bowing his head. “Thank you so much, [Name]-sensei!” He stood up straight, giving you his brightest smile. “Thank you for your time!” He ran away shouting, waving happily.

“Wai–wait, I'm not a teacher though.” You weakly shouted after him, already too late as he had left the library. With a sigh, you cleaned up and readied yourself to head home.

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