first meet

17 0 1

Y/n and his brother Antoine live together in their house in Madrid, Spain since Antoine plays for Atletico Madrid and has to live there for his passion (football).

y/n's point of view:

I woke up in the morning, it was 9 am. m. I went straight to the shower because I forgot I had to go today for my new movie.

After showering, I did my morning skin care routine as usual. I did my hair and makeup and put on an outfit. Pretty classic but ok.

I went to the kitchen but no one was home. Griezmann probably went to training . I went in my car and started driving.

I stopped for a coffee and a croissant because I was hungry and drove on.

after I got here they started doing my makeup and everything and we started acting. Everything was going well. We didn't finish until almost 8 p.m. of the night.

We had dinner with the cast because we were tired and hungry. After that I went home.

When I got home, the lights were all off. I went in and turned them on.

I jumped on my couch and went straight to my phone because I hadn't checked it.

here we go !

37 missed calls from "ma vie 🤍 "

10 missed calls from "João Félix"

uh . Who is Joao Felix?

It doesn't matter. I'm going to call Griezmann and see what he's up to.

~ on the phone:

y/n I won't be home tonight until 3 or 4 in the morning because I'm out with friends , lock the doors and stay safe.


you end the call.

After ending the call you check the contant "Joào Fèlix " who called you 10 times.

You go on instagram and search for his name, and you find that he is verified.


Its a teammate of my brother.They play together in atletico madrid.My brother definitely asked him to call me to tell me that.

You watch some of his posts .

"He isn't that pretty"-you say.

You remove your phone and then you stand up and go to your room. You drop your phone on the bed. You are a bit scared but yeah you don't have any other choices.Your best friend is on the other side of the world.

You just brush your teeth and go to sleep.

Griezmann pov:

I told my sister i won't come home by late.Now she's alone and problably scared .Right now its 3:47 Am , and im with Joao .

G:Joao i have a plan.
J:Go ahead , what plan Anto?
G: since my sister is alone and she is scared of the dark and being alone we should scare her.
J:I mean good idea.But i don't even know her

griezmann laughs and says:
Its alright.

He tells the plan.

-joao puts a black mask on like he is a robber , same with griezmann but he holds a fake gun in his hand. They go straight to y/ns room.

Y/n pov:
I was asleep,when i hear noises.

I woke up and saw 2 men with masks on , in my room.I screamed and was hitting them with pillows and everything i had . After i hear a laughing from one of the men.

And then griezmann removes the mask and laughs so hard.

And then i look at him angry and scared:

" ANTO!-you screamed!You little bitch.

And after the other man removes the masks too and while griezmann is having the moment of his life joao removes his masks and makes eye contact with y/n.

you realize you were so wrong for what you said earlier.

You stop the eye contact and tell griezmann to get up.

You and Joao help him get up after griezmann says he will lock the door and go to sleep.

Wait stop.Where are im gonna go now?-joao says.

Griezmann leaves with no response.

He's drunk i don't think you can trust him to drive you home.-you say.

You can stay at ours today. And then tommorrow ill drive you or either griezmann.

I mean sure , but where am i gonna sleep?-joao says.


I didn't think about that.We only have 2 rooms.

You can sleep in my bed ill sleep in the couch.

No no its okay-joao says. I can sleep on the coach.

However you want , pick i will just go to the bathroom.

He already made his place on the couch when i came out of the bathroom.

Thanks! - he says.

No problem.

I go to sleep.

lmk if you like it, my english is not good so please anything u like or don't tell me.

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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