1. Golfing with Niall

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The bell to the door of the golf shop you work in chimed meaning someone had entered the store. Standing up, you fix your polo and shorts quickly before turning to greet the customer.

"Welcome to Gold Tree Country Club's Pro Store! My name is (Y/N) ! Please let me know if you need anything!" You call out to the pair that had wondered in the door.

The two men just kind of nodded at you signifying they heard you and began browsing the store. Watching the pair for a moment, you can't help but notice their good looks. First your eyes land on the tall brunette. His broad shoulders were hunched as he stopped to browse the selection of fibber repair kits. His brows furrowed in concentration as he read over the packages. Boy was he handsome. A ringing of a bell breaks you out of your trance. It was the bell by the register that gets rung when someone needs help.

Sighing to yourself, you make your way to the counter to see what the other man needed.

"Can I help you, sir?"

"Yeah actually, my caddy didn't show and I need you to arrange a replacement," the blonde said as he pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger, his eyes closed tight as if his caddy would magically appear when he opened them.

"Sure, let me just phone the front desk for you sir. one moment," you answer politely as you reach for the phone.

"Hello, I need to arrange a caddy for a Mr......"


"A Mr.Horan...... okay I will see you shortly," and with that you hang up the phone to wait for the desk manager. Why they were sending the desk manager was beyond you but whatever.

"A manager will be here shortly to assist you, sir."

"Alright. Thanks," the blonde says quietly as he browses the items in the display case of the counter. His blue eyes focusing in on the details of the various things in the case. His eyes were gorgeous, you thought. His blonde hair was mostly hidden under a black Nike golf hat. His broad shoulders seemed tense as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his khaki pants.

"Hello Mr.Horan, I am Robin, the manager on duty. How can I help you?"

"Uhh yeah well it seems I need a new caddy. Mine didn't show up," he spoke as he turned to greet your manager.

"I am so sorry for that inconvenience, sir. We greatly value having someone of yours and Mr.Styles caliber at our course. Well how about this Mr.Horan, we are a little short on caddies what with the Pro Am going on at our sister country club but (Y/N) here is more than capable of handling your needs as a caddy," he says as he gestures towards me.

"Oh that would be fine I guess," the blonde replied.

"Then it is settled, (Y/N), you will be accompanying Mr.Horan here on the course today and I will get someone else to cover the shop. These gentlemen are some of our VIPs so I expect them to get top notch service," he says as he pulls out his phone to call for your replacement.

You step out from behind the counter to head out and prepare the cart for the two men you were caddying for. You could feel eyes boring into your backside as you exited the shop with the two men close behind.

"Well this arrangement worked out nicely, aye Harry? I don't reckon our other caddy would have looked so great in those short shorts," the blonde said with a throaty chuckle. You could feel the blush creeping up your cheeks.

"No we certainly lucked out, Niall," Harry replied. you felt somewhat awkward with the comments they were making but they were both incredibly handsome so it didn't bother you too much.

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