2. Award Show With Niall

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One last swipe of mascara and you're ready to go. You tug on your red strapless dress a bit to make it sit just right.

"Babe? You almost ready?" Niall calls from the living room. "The cars here we need t' be goin."

"I'm coming," you call as you grab your clutch and leave your shared bedroom.

In the living room, you find Niall attempting to clear a space on one of his shelves just in case they win another BRIT tonight. It will crush Niall if they don't. He really should add some more shelves in here but every time you bring it up he says he can't or it will jinx him and the boys, something about wishful thinking.

He still hasn't noticed your presence in the room, giving you the perfect opportunity to take in the godly perfection that is Niall in a suit. Tailored perfectly to fit him, it highlights his strong shoulders. He looks simply amazing.

"Babe?" He calls over his shoulder, still not noticing you.

"Ahem," you clear your throat to catch his attention. As much as you enjoyed watching him unseen, you guys really must go or you will be late.

He spins around on his heel, his eyes meeting yours for but a second then sweeping downward taking in the gorgeous poppy red dress his stylist chose for you to match his poppy pin on his suit. In an instant you see his gaze darken with a look you know all too well: lust.

"You- you look fantastic," he stutters out, clearly affected by how you look for the evening. Exactly what you hoped would happen.

"Thanks, we better get going, huh? Don't want to keep the boys waiting now do we," you say with a bit of a smirk playing on your ruby lips. Seeing how affected Niall is by this look, you know you are in for a fun evening.

Heading towards the door, he quickly gets ahead of you, opening the door like the true gentleman he is, even adding a small bow. Just outside the door is Basil talking into his ear piece, something about us departing and needing to hurry.

Once inside the back of the pitch black SUV, a thought occurs to you. Let's see how far I can push Niall tonight.

Deciding to play your little game, you reach over and place your hand on his knee, stilling it from the nervous bouncing he was doing before. Niall looks over at you, the anxious worry very clear in those crystal blue eyes. But all of that fades once again as his eyes drift south, towards the neckline of your dress. You watch as he places his hand over yours, slowly guiding it up his thigh. A smirk is playing around the edge of his mouth.

Just as things were getting interesting, the car pulls up to the venue, the flashing lights already piercing the black tint of the windows.

Niall steps out first, greeted by the blinding flashes, grinning ear to ear. Reaching back, he extends his hand out to help you out of the vehicle, careful not to let you fall. Again, more flashes erupt around the pair of you. Just ahead, you can see the 3 other boys chatting with a reporter on the side of the red carpet. Hand in hand, Niall leads you over to the lads.

"Oh yes, we are quite excited about the break but we will miss being on the road again for a while," Louis tells the reporter, a bit of sadness in his tone. The boys need a break but none of them really want to stop touring. A necessary evil they call it.

"What do you boys plan on doing with your time off?" She asks, extending her mic out.

"We all are going to be spending time with family and friends and just relaxing mostly I think," Liam replied as Harry and Louis nodded in agreement.

"And what about you, Niall? Any big plans?"

"Nahh, I will just be doin' a bit of travelin' and spending time with my girl here," causing you to blush as he mentions you.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2015 ⏰

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