Chapter 12

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An overwhelming calamity intercession

Fifty Thousand years of wait
And The whole humanity is in fright
From Adam(AS), the first man to ever exist
To the last human created by the Lord

Men will be tired of waiting
Fifty thousand years and there is nothing
Except fright and the blazing sun burning
Then men will decide to find a way out

They'll reach out to Adam(AS) & tell him
You are the Father of Mankind
The Lord created you with his hands
And He blown into you, from his soul
And He commanded the Angels to prostrate for you
Can't you see the situation we are in today?
Can't you see to what extent we have reached?

He'll then say,
The wrath of my Lord today, is a one he has never did before nor will he ever do it after this day
And He deprived me from eating a certain tree but i disobeyed
Myself, Myself, Myself
Go to someone other than me
Go to Nuh(As)

They'll then go to Musa(AS) & tell him
Oh Musa

You are a messenger of Allah
Allah has favored you with his message and his Words
Interceed for us from your Lord
Can't you see in what situation we are?

He'll then say
The wrath of my Lord today, is a one he has never did before nor will he ever do it after this day
And i have killed a soul which i have not been given the permission to kill
Myself Myself Myself

Go to someone other than me
Go to Isa the son of Maryam (AS)


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