2. "Why is he looking at me like that..."

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The lesson had long finished already and it was break time, after that little unsettling name exchange Randal hadn't really talked to me again. Not that he was ignoring me or anything, at least it didn't seem so, he only had his eyes on me everywhere. I told my friend about what happened earlier and she slapped me for being an "Idiot" apparently. 

"How fucking stupid are you Y/n?!" She yelled at me right after she slapped me hard in the face, I rubbed my cheek for some time since the pain stung a little. "Don't blame me when you get stabbed, hurt, gutted or even worse! Why can't you read the warning signs, in this case the guy is LITERALLY a walking warning sign telling you to not interact!!"  she yelled at me as the whole hallway echoed in her lecturing me. 

Everyone was now staring at us since she was so loud. I grabbed her by the arm and ran into the girls bathroom what was luckily empty. "Could you make any bigger deal of it then it actually is???" I asked her upset a little. She didn't apologize though only flipped her hair sassily admitting I didn't know what I was getting myself into, 'Oh boy was she right about that..'

I just sighed heavily and said I was gonna use the stall quickly and that she could already walk to the next class we had, she just nodded with no expression on her face and I went into the stall hearing foot steps walking towards the bathrooms exit. I sat down not really needing to go but just to think about things more closely.

I never heard those foot steps leave, instead I heard struggling like too people were silently fighting and only the clothes ruffling and my friends sneakers were heard. I stayed quiet and listened more closely until I heard a loud thud what was followed by silence. I looked at the floor to see a red liquid slowly flow into my stall.

'WHAT THE FUCK' I though as panic filled my mind and I stood up shakily not wanting to open the stall door. The stall door flew open though with a large bang and on the other side of the stall there stood Randal, holding my friends head by the hair as blood was flowing out of her throat area, blood covering his white gloves and clothes.

I covered my mouth as the terrified feeling and the fright made me freeze, not being able to move a muscle. Randel then looked at my friends disembodied head as a smile came across his face, "I got a feeling she didn't like me, what a shame." He said before dropping it onto the floor and walking towards me, walking purposely slowly to see the fear in my eyes, getting a sick joy out of it I suppose.

He wrapped his hands around my neck and covered my nose and mouth with a piece of cloth, making me breath in the intoxions and chemicals absorbed with it, and sooner or later everything around me was pitch black.

the last things I saw and heard was Randal speaking with that same smile upon his face, "You'd make a great pet like Sebastian, or even more~" 

I have no Idea how long I was out exactly but it didn't feel so long since time passed quickly while being completely knocked out of it. I slowly woke up in an unfamiliar room or place, I was lying in a wooden coffin and when I opened my eyes fully I could see Randal just sitting and starring right at me, seeing him made me jolt up easily as memories from before started to flow in like an instinct. 

The fear from earlier kicked in and I wanted to crawl away from him knowing what he had done with my friend, but the wooden walls of the coffin stopped me and my legs were still too wobbly to get up quick enough and run away from him. 

Right as I was back against the coffins head parts wall, Randal placed both his hands at the edges of the side walls and leaned closer to my face eyeing me with a huge grin, "Finally awake Y/n I was waiting for that to happen!" He spoke happily but I just placed my still so weak hands against his chest and tried to push him away as flashbacks begun to play inside my head.

"N-No please don't!" I said as my voice was soft and quiet but clearly scared, Randal looked down at my hands what were placed on his chest for a moment and then glanced back up, his expression was surprised for a moment before he placed his hands over mine forcefully.

"It's so cute when you beg for mercy Y/n, You should do it more often around me~" He spoke with a smile while tilting his head and I felt uneasy about that, I didn't have any words to answer him as I was scared he would do the same thing like he did to my now dead friend. "I just adore how scared you look, but as long as you're with me here I'll protect you... hehehe!" he said as he started to laugh this manic laugh like he did when we exchanged names.

"Now get out of the coffin silly! I've been dying to show you to my big brother Luther, Sebastian, Nyon and Nyen!" Randal said as he strongly grabbed me by the arm making me stand up but I quickly fell into his arms again, I looked up at him, frightened and embarrassed about that, "It'll wear off Heheheh" He laughed and continued to help me out..

'I regret not listening to my friend earlier...'

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