The Dish

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Soma cut up some carrots, ready to be tossed into the bolognaise sauce. He had done this a million times, and so his mind wandered. He thought about Erina's strange reaction earlier in the day, and wondered if she... No! Impossible. Someone like her isn't capable of liking someone like me. Besides, she's not my type. Someone knocked on the door. Erina walked in, scanning the room for Soma. She coughed, bringing Soma out of his brain to realise the spaghetti needed to be cooked. Looking at the clock, he hurriedly grabbed the pasta next to him, but ended up clinging onto Erina's hand. Soma glanced up, blushing furiously. "Sorry-" he said, staring into Erina's beautiful purple eyes. Erina stared down at him, trying not to turn red. She huffed and drew her hand away and turned her back on him. Erina walked to the instructor, whispering instructions to him. The instructor nodded weakly, knowing she was in the Elite Ten, and therefore could get him fired. Erina clapped her hands. "Alright everyone! Dishes up!" she said, staring at each and everyone at a kitchen bench. One by one, students came up to have their cooking tasted by the God Tongue. "Nope... disgusting. It's like bathing with a gorilla." she said, tossing hours of hard work away with a flick of her hand.

"Absolutely putrid. You skipped step two, didn't you?"

"Vile. Get that away from me now."

"No, just no. Do you know anything about cooking? Your carrots aren't finely chopped."

"Disgusting. If I were any less noble than I am now, I would have vomited."

Erina rattled off insult after insult, and the line gradually progressed forward. Next she got to Soma's dish. It was perfectly presented, a fresh leaf of basil contrasting sharply with the creamy red sauce. The cheese was grated on, sinking onto the spaghetti itself. And the spaghetti! Oh, the spaghetti! It glowed in the afternoon sun, rich, golden and soft. Erina drooled at the thought of it but shook her head sharply. "Hello, Soma." she said, trying to hide her delight at seeing him. Soma presented the dish in front of her, smiling with such warmth that Erina's heart pounded. She lifted her spoon into the pasta, hoping she wouldn't have the same reaction as the fried rice. She opened her mouth, blowing on it to cool it down. Closing her eyes, she took a bite. The warmth spread throughout her fingertips, down to her toes and filled her with such happiness. The spaghetti curled around her legs, the warm pasta sauce (envisioned as her mum) was embracing her and telling her it was ok... and she was crying. Erina, member of the Elite Ten, was crying. Tears were gushing down her cheeks as she shovelled in mouthful after mouthful, trying to relieve the golden, warm sensation. It raced down her spine. This was her destiny, to live in a castle with Soma's meals being presented to her every day, and she could share this feeling with someone else... Erina's spoon clunked on the empty bowl, giving her such a shock. "Well? How was it?" Soma asked, leaning on the table, looking at her. Erina couldn't bear to look at his eyes, and stared at her shoes. "Humph... it was ok. You pass." she said, waving her hand as if she couldn't care, but inside she was screaming with joy. 

Soma x Erina: Blossoming LoveWhere stories live. Discover now