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             I knew I drank too much and shouldn't drive, but as I stood at the end of the alleyway frozen in my spot, I knew right then I should have risked it anyway. I saw in the dim light of the ally way lamp that casted a weird shadow on the wall. I noticed a dark figure of a man holding a gun up to other man's head. The hair on the back of my neck stood up as I heard the shot, my skin prickled with goosebumps as my blood ran cold. A yelp left my mouth before i could covered my mouth. The man with the gun's head shot towards me as i stood there in shock, my eyes were wide as i staired a the man then down at the body that was slumped against the wall. i couldnt see the red of the blood but i would see the shine of the wetness that started to pool under the body.
              "Fuck." I swore as the man started to stalk towards me, his gun rested against his side. As he stalked to me my legs still stood frozen in their spot and refused to move. The man was maybe ten feet from me as he raised his gun and just at that moment my legs  decided to want to move. I turned to run but it felt like i walked right into a wall.
             "Hello, princess." The man infront of me said. His eyes were dark as they looked down at me and a weird smile was spread on his face, "Time to sleep." he lifted his hand and covered my mouth with a clothe and as my eyes slowly drifted closed,  i heard his gravely voice as he was talking to someone else.
             "We fucked up." someone said and my eyes finally drifted closed.
I woke up in a dim room, the afternoon sun peeked through the curtains. I looked around the room trying to use the sunshine to see around the room but the curtains werent open enough to really see anything. My eyes moved around slowly adjusting to the semi dark room. I noticed at that moment i wasnt tied to the bed which was a releif but, i still feared to move from the bed. I slowly moved out from beneight the warm blankets i was bundled under and swung my legs off the side of it. My legs were a little wobbly and I nottticed i didnt have my sneakers from the night before on. I also noticed the wripped jeans and blouse i was in the night beofre also wasnt on me. Instead i was in a long night shirt.
              I walked towards the window and pulled the large curtains open letting more light shine through the window. I looked out of the window and noticed the large flower garden that was under my window. It was huge with a maze like structure and a water foutain that stood in the middle. As i was looking down i noticed two large men walking side by side. One stopped and looked up at my window, his mouth moved as he talked but, i couldnt hear any of them. He nudged the man next to his and pointed up to where i stood, feeling like Repunzel, locked away in a tower. The other man waved up at me while the other smiled and i instantly remember him as the man who drugged me from last night.
             Rage ran through my body as i flicked both of them off. The one who drugged me laughed while the other's face turned to anger. The man next to him grabbed my arm to stop him or something but, it wasnt like i could hide away from him. I was trapped like a caged animal and there was nothing i could do but just stare at them with hatered. i turned my back to the men outside and decided then to check out the rest of the room.
       I walked over to the large closet and looked through the clothes that were hung up in it. They were mostly men clothes; suit coats and dress shirts with dress pants folded nicely on a shelf. In the other part of the closet was women clothes that seemed like they would fit someone the size of a 12 year old boy. I shook my head and exited the closet to come face to face with a women holding a pile of clothes.
        "Miss." She said softly, "I brought you clothes and then Mr. Drake would like to see you in his office." She walked towards the bed and then smiled back at me. She looked young. Maybe mid- twenty early 30s.
        "Where am I." I finally asked her as i followed her to the bed where she laid the clothes for me.
        "I am unable to tell you." She said, "I'm sorry. But, once you are dressed then I'll be able to show you to his office. he will be able to answer the questoins more than i can."
          I nodded and then quickly got dressed into the clothes she provided me with. It was a pair of leggings and a cropped top. I followed her to the office as I checked out all the decor on the walls. The upstairs was dark and gloomy but once we got down the stairs it was bright and the decor looked more peaceful. The halls were empty and quiet until we got to what I believed was the office. There was alot of yelling and then the maid knocked.
         "Good luck." She said then hurried away.
         "Come in." A voice boomed, causing me to jump a little from the loudness.
         I slowly opened the door and slowly walked in.
        There were 2 men in the room. One sat behind the large oak deck. He was covered in tattoos and had dark black hair. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbow showing even more tattoos.
         The other gentleman was sitting against the wall on a couch. He was leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and his hands at his mouth. He had light brown hair that was tired back into a bun. He also had tattoos covering his arms but he wore a tight black tee shirt. I noticed him as the man that was outside my window. He flashed me with a knowing smile that i just put pieces together.
           "Sit." The guy behind the oak desk demanded, drawing my attention back to him and away from the one sitting on the couch.
            I quickly sat in one of the chairs that were infront of his desk. They were black and as hard as a rock.
          "What's your name?" He asked leaning back unto his chair.
          "Eliana." I said softly.
          "Do you know why you're here?" The guy on the couch asked then moved off the couch.
          "Probably because you guys have a thing for not only killing people in an ally way, but also kidnapping witnesses.
          "Watch your tone." The name behind the desk said with a stern voice, slamming hi fist on the desk.
          "Maybe you should watch where you kill people." I shrugged, knowing right then I had a death wish.
          "Do you know who we are?" The guy from the couch said looking me over.
          "Must be really important if you can kill someone in the open and let a passerby see it." I said with a snap.
           "I like her spunk." The guy from the couch said as he poured himself some scotch.
            "So, are you guys going to kill me to or just keep me as prisoner like a fucking zoo animal." I asked angry. If i knew a night out would lead to me being trapped by another man who thought he could beat me till i was a bloody mess on the floor, I would have just killed myself last night.
           "We usually would." The man behind the desk said tapping his fingers on the desk, watching my everymove. As if i took one step out of line he would pounce on his prey like im a fawn and he is a mountain lion.
           "Then do it. It's not like I want to live anyway." I laughed.
            The guy from the couch face dropped, binging the drink to his lips while the man behind the desk let out a little laugh.
           "Usually people beg you to live, right." I smiled down at my hands. "But I'm begging you to kill me."
           "That's not how this works." The guy behind the desk said, "We call the shots here, not you."
           "What's your name?" I asked him, pointing at the man behind the desk.
           "Ansel." He said with a raised eyebrow.
           "I'm Hayes." The guy from the couch said, causing me to look at him quick then back at the man behind the desk.
            Ansel was the real man in charge, Hayes was just his sidekick. f i needed anyone to hate me it would be Ansel because he is the one who would kill me. I just knew it.
           "Ansel." I said standing up inching my way to the gun he had on his desk. "Shoot me."
           "Ansel." Hayes said coming closer to me, as if he knew what i was aiming for.
            Ansel had a smirk on his face, " I'm not going to shoot you." His arms crossed infront of his chest.
           "Kill me." I said reaching for the gun. my fingers just barely brushing  the butt as Hayes yanked it from my hand.
          "Noone is dying." Hayes said putting the gun in his back belt, sticking his other hand out to keep me at a distance.
          "You're going to kill me eventually. Are you scared?" I yelled at them, "Why keep me prisoner when you fucked up and i saw you kill someone in a fucking ally way."
         "Sit." Ansel said leaning forward in his chair.
         "No." I smiled, death in my future if i had it my way. I don't know what I was doing but I knew that I couldn't be trapped here.
         "I said sit." Ansel boomed standing up causing all my braveness disappear. I still didn't sit as I watched Ansel round the desk to me. His hand grasped my neck. Not tight enough to cause me to stop breathing but tight enough for me to gasp.
          "Ansel." I heard Hayes say.
           Ansel looked at me searching for something, anything. My hands grasped around his and fear covered my face. "Not so brave now, princess, huh." Ansel said with a smirk
          "Fuck you." I forced out causing his hand to grab tighter.
           Breathing became hard to do but I never stopped looking at Ansel.
          "Ansel." Hayes said reaching for Ansel's hand that was around me neck.
         "Hayes." Ansel said looking at him not loosing his grip. "What should we do with her?"
         "I dont-" Hayes looked at me then Ansel.
         "Fucking kill me." I spit at him, "I saw you kill a guy. And now you're too much of a pussy to kill me now."
         "Shut up." Hayes said to me.
          Ansel's hand was finally tight enough to cause me to barely breath.
         "Ansel." Hayes begged, trying to draw Ansel's attention to him.
          Ansel finally dropped me causing me to fall to the ground gasping for air. My hand went to my neck where he previously grabbed me. he glaired down at me with a laugh, "Youre a tough one, huh?"
         Hayes was kneeling next to me. He looked me over checking if anything else was wrong. I shoved him away from me and stood, rage running through me.
       "She should stick around. " Ansel said with a laugh, "So fiesty."
        "Fuck you." I hissed out, "Youre a fucking pussy."
         "Someday, baby. But not today." Ansel laughed.
          There was a knock on the door and then another gentleman walked into the room. Hayes quickly stood in the spot he was on the ground. I noticed he was the guy from outside that was mad i flicked him off.
       "Hi, Princess."  The guy laughed, "How was your nap?
        "Fuck you." I hissed, my face red from anger.
       "Wow. She is a feisty one."He laughed, "Gonna keep her around, i take it since im not here to clean up a mess."
        "Been fighting us all morning." Ansel said with a sideways smile, "And she is going to be stuck here for a while."
          "Should be fun having a new piece of ass around here." The man smirked, ubbing his hands together, "Didnt look too bad last night having to change her."
           " Youre fucking sick." I stepped up to the man and slapped him across the face. The man's face instantly dropped and he reached up wrapping his hand around my throat.
           "Id be careful if i were you." The man hissed, leaning in and dropping his voice so only i could hear it, "We wouldn't want something bad to happen to you."
            The man dropped me and i fell to the floor yet again, gasping for air.
           "Hayes, why don't you go take her to get something to eat while I talk to Rhett." Ansel said with a laugh.
             Hayes didn't say anything while he pulled me into the Kitchen. The walk wasnt long but with the bare walls and complete silence it seemed to take twice as long as it should have.
           "Angie, can you whip something up for Eliana to eat please?" Hayes asked the women from before the meeting asked.
           "Of course. " She smiled at him then hurried around the kitchen to make something for me.
            Hayes sat across from me at the kitchen island, his eyes never leaving my face.
           "What?" I asked him with a hiss.
           "What's your problem?" Hayes asked.
            "Hmm I don't know. Maybe you kidnapped me the night I caught my boyfriend of 3 years cheating on me with my best friend, but then you throw me into another abusive relationship that I am trapped in yet again." my voice slowly got louder as hot tears slowly ran down my face, "Or wait, best yet, you kidnapped me the same day that my fucking parents died. So why cant you just fucking kill me?"
             The room grew silent. Hayes looked at me but I couldnt read the reaction from his face. Angie then placed a plate of assorted fruit with a homemade cinnamon roll and eggs infront of me. The room was still quiet while I ate.
            "If you guys are going to kill me, please do it soon." I said as I finished eating, "I rather be dead then alive right now."
            Ansel walked in with Rhett and Angie greeted them and got them a plate of food also. I felt an arm on the back of my neck grabbing it tightly.
          "How was breakfast?" Ansel whispered in my ear causing goosebumps to form.
          "Fine." I hissed at him.
          "Drop the attitude." Ansel smiled against my ear.
            I felt Hayes straightened next to me and then Ansel pulled away because Angie sat his plate down. While they ate, I sat thinking about the other day. I was only out because I wanted to drink away everything that happened. I shook my head not letting the tears fall from my eyes, anymore. Hayes placed his hand on mine and gave it a squeeze. Something about Hayes made me feel safe. He looked scary but his eyes make me feel safe.
           "Hayes, why dont you show Eliana around so she knows where to go since she'll be here for a while. " Ansel said with a smile towards me.
           "Fuck you. " I hissed at him, "Just fucking kill me. I will continue to fight you until you do it anyway."
           Ansel grabbed my face in his hand, pulling it towards him, "I cant wait to fight you the whole way until you summit to me like the good little piece of property you are. And if you tell me to fuck you one more time I will infront of everyone in this room. Now, be a good little object and shut the fuck up."
         "What's stopping you?" I hissed
           Ansel smiled, "Be a good girl and take a tour with Hayes before I take you over this counter and i wont be gentle with it."
           what the fuck.
           Wetness pooled in my underwear as i looked at him. My body was betraying me by gushing at his words he spoked to me.
           He let go of my face and turned back to his food. Hayes grabbed my hand and pulled me away from them and outside to the gardens that are right outside my window. Tears fell as I realized how trapped I really was and how lucky i was when i was getting beat by John because this kind of torture was worse then I ever had before.

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