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"You shouldn't piss him off like that." I said, leading her throught the garden. The weather was nice for a spring day. It had a bit of a wind, but nothing like the cold wind when Rhett and i were out here earleir.
          "Why's that?" She asked her eyes and wondered around the garden when we walked into it. Her eyes lit up at the sight of the roses and baby's breath. She leaned down and smelled them all, never missing a flower.
          "He usually kills people right away. As soon as they open their mouths, But not you." I shrugged.
          "So you think I should be greatful." She snorted with a side grin.
          "I am not saying that. Im saying he isnt killing you for a reason. This is his way of torturing you." I said, trying to peice it all together, still wondering why he didnt kill her last night when Rhett carried her into the house.
           Ansel was pissed once we came in as Rhett had Eliana flung over his shoulder. Ansel started throwing things and he also started to cuss Rhett out.
         "So, instead of putting everyone out of their misery dealing with me, he would rather have everyone deal with me."She looked at me, "I dont want to be here. I don't want to be anywhere but 6 feet under."
         "Eliana." I said, trying to change the conversation.
         "What. You guys are part of the mafia or something, aren't you?" She asked with her arms crossed.
         "How -" I couldn't finish my sentence.
          "I remember seeing him on the front page of the paper." She said with a laugh, "he is wanted. So him killing that guy in the alley and then kidnapping me isn't the best thing to do. And with Rhett drugging me and helping with the kidnapping isn't the best. I have people who will miss me. I have a job. You guys can't just kidnap me in hopes no one noticed. "
         "Ansel wasn't the one who killed that guy in the alley." I said stupidly causing her to give me a questionable look.
        "Who was it because I remember Rhett being the one who drugged me." She said, shaking her head.
           There was silence between us as we reached the water fountain. She ran her fingers through the water. I watched her closely looking her over. Last night when she slumped to the floor like a bag of potatoes I couldnt help but think that she was the most beautiful women i have ever seen. Her black hair was sprayed out around her head and she was in these jeans that clung to her perfect curves.
         My eyes met her as she looked me over also. Then, it was like a light bulb went off in her head.
         "It was you." She pointed at me.
         "Yeah. It was me." I laughed thinking of the adrenaline that cursed through my body as I thought about last night.
          Watching the man infront of me on his ass begging for me to let him live. A grown man crying and begging for forgiveness while i held a gun to his head. The adrenaline that ran through my body as I stalked towards Eliana while she was frozen in her spot and watched me. Also, the adrenaline that ran through my body when her body slumped in the back of the car, her body curled into a ball and her head laying on my lap. I remembered what her hair felt running between my fingers as I played with it. Right then i knew i was drawn to her. The innocence that she was trying to hide from Ansel, Rhett and I. The fear that laid right under the surface. And the pain that was running through her blood. She was scared and i knew she was. Ansel just wasn't paying enough attention to it.
           "Are you the one doing all the killings?" She questioned.
           "Will it change how you feel about me depending what I say?" I smiled at her, stepping closer to her. Her hand still played in the water as her eyes watched me.
            "No." She shook her head, "how do you two know each other?"
            "It's funny." I smiled, "He's my brother."
             Her face dropped, and her head snapped to me, "Oh great."
             "It's okay." I smiled, picking a couple of the roses, making sure not to poke myself with the thorns as i slowly pulled them from the rose. I worked closely to make them beautiful with some baby breathes, "I'm nothing like him."
              "So he's the face, and you're the killer." She smelt the flowers, a smile crept up her face as she did.
               "I guess." I laughed, "It might make me a phyco but i like the feeling of having the power to hold someone's life in my hands while they beg for mercy."
               Her eyes snapped to mine as she studied me. I knew questions were swimming in her head but she didn't ask them. She just watched me intently. I moved to sit near her and i played with the thorns in my hand. I looked over at her out of the corner of my eyes and she went back to paying with the water.
              "This is beautiful. " She smiled as she looked up at me.
              "Before my grandma passed, my grandfather made this garden for her." I smiled at the memories of my grandparents. The love they shared. The love that skipped my father's generation. The love I so badly wanted but Ansel never thought was real. I looked at Eliana and my face grew red with blush before looking down at the thorns. No one can love a man who is so fucked up like I am but Ansel gets all the women.
              "Was your dad part of the mafia?" She asked, drawing my attention out of my thoughts and to her.
              "Yeah, he still is. Just we took over because he got old." I motioned with my hand.
               "What about your mom?" She asked moving a little closer to me.
              "She was killed when Ansel and I were little." I shook my head, "She was amazing, but my father never loved her."
              "Why do you say that?" She was right next to me, her knee brushing mine.
              "She gave him everything. She loved him no matter what he did or who he killed." I shook my head remembering my childhood, "Funny because he kidnapped her and she fell inlove while he still had multiple women who he would have warm his bed. Then she had me, Ansel says that things changed but i still remember the different women each say of the week."
               "Im sorry." She looked up at me, and my heart began to beat a little faster.
                Her hair was tied back. Her black hair shined a little in the light, and her skin was fair a bit on the pale side. Her eyes were a light baby blue, and her lips were pulled into a smile.
                "I couldn't deal with the idea of someone I love getting into the gun fire constantly. "She said causing me to look at her with a half smile, "I also dont think i could love someone who had different women around constantly."
               "When you're high up on the ranks, then you don't get into gun fights like in the movies."I smiled, looking at her, "And multiple women around arent something we do here. Youre the first women to be here other than Angie and the few Ansel has."
               "How far back does it go?" She asked, "Did it start with your grandpa?"
               "Gosh no. It has been generations." I said. I loved how she asked all of the questions some women would be to afraid to ask.
               "Say you wake up one morning and decide not to do it anymore. Then what?" She played with the flower in her hand, her eyes not on me anymore.
                "That's not an option."I said,  dropping the thorns into the fountain and then laid my hand softly on Eliana's bouncing theigh. I began to draw small circles on it trying to soothe her.
                "Why not? What happens if you have a child?" She began to run her hand along my hand that laid softly on her leg tracing the tattoos.
                 "Once you get into the mafia, you don't leave until you either die or become so old and no one wants you in anymore." I said, my heart began to beat fast watching her. Her eyes looked up at mine and locked onto me, "As for a child, its not something people in the mafia think about until they have someone that they want children with."
                 "And then what happens when you find someone worth having a child with?"She questioned as she began to lean close to me..
                "We do whatver it takes to protect them. After my mother's death, we take it very seriously." I said, watching her lean in close to me.
                "That's very considerate that you will protect them no matter what. It sounds safe." She said, placing a soft kiss on the corner of my lips. I wanted to pull her in. I wanted to have my way with her and pound into her until she's screaming my name.
               "It's never safe." I smiled, standing up, needing to put some sort of distance between us because it not then my urgers would take over and that wasnt something we needed right now. "we should head back. I wanna show you something else."
               "Okay." She stood also still holding the flowers I gave her, a small look a disapointment crossed her face but she didnt argue.
                I lead her into the house. The house was quiet, and I led her into the study. I heard moaning and grunting before opening the door. I knew Ansel was in there with his new flavor of the week. But I opened the door anyway. Thankfully, they weren't right on the open, but they stopped. I heard Eliana gasp and let put a laugh.
              "Honey, I am home!" She yelled, then covered her mouth to hide a laugh that escaped her lips.
               "You told me you were single." We heard the blonde bimbo said. I couldnt remember her name but it wasn't like it mattered.
                The blonde bimbo was the same from the other day from where I shot that guy I'm the alley. She hurried out to where we stood, her clothes were sloppy as she hurried out of the room. Ansel rounded the corner, anger covered his face and he was stuffing himself back into his pants.
             "Baby!" Eliana wrapped her arms around his neck, causing Ansel to straighten up. "I missed you."
             "What the fuck." Ansel asked, causing me to laugh.
              Eliana placed a kiss on Ansel's lips, "You didn't tell me we had company."
              I laughed even louder. The blond bimbo screeched as she ran down the hallway.. Eliana laughed and looked at me. Ansel shot me a look then followed the blond bimbo to wherever she was going.
             "that was a good one." I said to her, pulling her into a hug and then froze in our spot. Eliana was still laughing. She looked up at me, her eyes shinny from the tears of laughing so much.
               She pulled away and silence fell between us. Then I showed her around the library.

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