Part 2

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The air was even colder inside. All the lights were off, as no one else was in the house, aside from the two loids standing by the front door.

"Damn, it's colder in here than it is outside!" exclaimed Flower.

"Yeah, it is," said Fukase. Although the temperature still didn't have much of an impact on him, even the red loid could tell how much colder the house was inside compared to how cold it was outside. "You can go change, I'm gonna go see if I can turn up the heat at all."

Flower yawned and held her hand near her mouth. "Alrighty."

"Oh, yeah, and take this," Fukase handed Flower her jacket.

"Oh, thanks."


Flower took her jacket and walked to her and Fukase's room.

She carefully closed the door and took off her shoes, as well as Fukase's coat and scarf and threw them on the bed, along with her jacket. Shivering, the loid then started going through her dresser and grabbed some pajama pants. She changed out of her shorts and into the comfy pair of pants, leaving her shorts on the floor. She then walked to their [her and Fukase's] closet and grabbed a comfy sweater from a hanger and proceeded to change out of her top and into the sweater, leaving the top on the floor, as well. She hoped the clothes she changed into would warm her up a little, but they barely made her any warmer. She then put her shoes, Fukase's coat and scarf away in their closet and picked up her clothes from the floor and threw them in a hamper near the door. 

Flower then laid down in bed on her side and covered herself up with one of the blankets on the bed. Although it made her feel slightly more warmer than the clothes she changed into, the blanket still didn't really warm her up enough. It really annoyed her, and she still continued to shiver.

A minute or so later, Fukase walked into the room.

"I turned the heat up, but it might be a while before the house gets any warmer," he said.

"Damn... alright then," Flower groaned, not looking at him. "Say, what took you so long, by the way? I thought you were just turning up the heat?"

"Oh yeah, sorry, I kind of got distracted for a minute, heh."

"Oh," said Flower. "Alrighty then."

Fukase began doing what Flower did and went through his dresser and closet to grab some pajama pants and a comfy sweater. He changed out of his clothes and got into the sweater and pants he got and, again, like Flower, left his clothes on the floor until he finished changing. Once he was done changing, he threw his dirty clothes in the same hamper by the door, and got into bed with Flower. He laid on his side too, facing her.

"You warm at all?" Fukase asked.

"Not really," Flower replied.

"Hmm..." Fukase frowned in disappointment, but was unsurprised.

"I'd definitely be a lot warmer if this house wasn't so damn cold."

"Yeah, I know... I'm sorry."

Flower stayed silent for a moment, still shivering. She suddenly felt bad about her complaint. "It's fine; it's whatever. Sorry for complaining."

"No, it's okay. I wish the house would warm up faster too." Personally, Fukase still didn't actually care about how cold the house was; he just wanted Flower to be warm.

Fukase grabbed the blanket Flower was using and covered himself up with it.

"So... are you still not cold or...?" asked Flower, breaking the silence.

"Flower, stop worrying about me, I'm perfectly fine," he reassured her.


"I'm a little cold, but I'm not freezing or anything, okay? I'm fine."

Fukase still didn't show any signs of being incredibly cold; he wasn't even shivering (still).

Flower almost felt jealous in a way, but she was still too focused on trying to warm herself up to care. 

Well, at least he's not freezing like me, I guess.

"Alright, if you say so then," she said, as she started to rest her eyes.

The red haired loid continued to frown. He felt bad.

Blushing a little, Fukase moved himself closer to Flower and put his arms around her, closing his eyes. Flower was, again, caught a little off guard and opened her eyes. She didn't say anything, however, and was about to do the same to him with her arms until she noticed something. Her eyes slightly widened and she began to blush, once more. She had stopped shivering.


He opened his eyes. "Yes?"

"I know you said you weren't really bothered by the cold, but... I mean... I didn't think you'd actually, like... feel this warm or anything..."

Flower kept pausing, trying to properly think about what to say.

"It's just, like... I dunno... your whole body just feels so warm..."

"Oh!" Fukase finally spoke and started blushing more. "Well, that's... kinda funny how you say that because your whole body feels pretty cold to me, heh." He smiled and laughed a little.
"Oh," said Flower, casually, until she realized what he was saying to her. Her tone suddenly changed and she sounded guilty. "Ohh... er... sorry..." 
"Aw, don't be sorry, Flower..." Fukase hugged her tight and began closing his eyes. "Like I said... I don't mind the cold."

Flower's eyes slightly widened again as she began to blush more. Not saying a word, she proceeded to put her arms around him and started closing her eyes, as well. 

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