Chapter One: The Face of an Angel

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The time was 6:47pm and you had just got done shopping for groceries and had already put them away into your fridge and cabinets. Since you had nothing to do, you decided to call in to work early.

You work as a bartender and your quirk allows you to see into someone's past, as long as they are over 19, and you are touching them. It only activates on people you haven't touched before, so thankfully you didn't need to worry about your quirk activating repeatedly, or for the same people.

Once you got the hang of how your quirk works, you found that your quirk was perfect for working at bars. You didn't need to verify people's age by their ID, all you needed to do was touch them and if your quirk didn't activate, they couldn't be let in.

You admit that it can be a bit exhausting to do multiple times in one night, but it's a good failsafe in case your coworkers aren't sure if someone who is being let in is the legal age for drinking. The place you work at isn't too particularly strict about age, but there are the few unsavory kind who try getting in when they're freshly 18 and just want to cause trouble with fake IDs and the likes.

Your work was happy to let you come in early, so you scheduled a Taxi to come pick you up and drive you to work.

Just as you reached the parking lot where the Taxi driver had said they'd be, they were already standing outside the passenger door and had their hand out to shake yours. You were a little reluctant at first, but this driver didn't seem like the kind to have a quirk. Whatever, you didn't have the time to figure that out. You shook his hand and, just like always, your quirk slowed down time and started showing you a mental reel of this poor driver's past. Luckily over the years, you'd learned to just dissociate while it happened so you didn't take on the extra mental baggage, or invade on the person's privacy. The person was quirkless and has a normal boring life.

You get in and the driver starts driving you to the location you already requested upon scheduling the Taxi. The driver is pretty quiet and is playing classical music through the radio of his car. Thankfully the drive wasn't too far, it was only a short 15 minutes and you were there. If you were anyone else, you would've walked, but you learned that even accidentally touching a stranger, whether that be shoulder bumping or brushing against someone as you walked, your quirk was quick to react.

You tried to endure it at first, for the sake of saving money on a car or a taxi, but after a while, it got exhausting and you couldn't take it, so you just started saving away part of your paycheck to make sure you'd be able to get a Taxi to work, and pretty much anywhere else that was not a short walking distance. Sure, you could just go places when it wasn't busy when in regards to shopping, but you really didn't like being out at night in your neighborhood, since you couldn't afford to live in... the best of apartment complexes.

Arriving at your destination, your driver unlocked his car and nodded at you as you exited, politefully smiling back as you handed him a tip. You quickly enter the bar, and seeing as it's pretty early for bar attendees to be out and about, as usual there was only a few customers.

One that notably caught your eye was a man in a black and orange hoodie wearing a baseball cap, his hair being hidden underneath it, but you could see small licks of green poking out from behind. He was sitting at a table against a wall, slouched over and glass in between his hands. You thought nothing of him, but you were, admittedly, a little suspicious of him, especially since it wasn't past sunset yet, when the place starts to get busy.

You went into the break room of the bar to change into your work clothes and once you were done, you walked out and went behind the bar. Since it wasn't past sunset yet, only one of your coworkers was behind the bar with you, but you let them take their break as soon as you started your shift. There was also someone who usually stood outside the doorway, but he doesn't usually show up this early. That means if you're the only one working right now, yay.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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