Chapter 5: Olegie: This is enough for me

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Oli POV:
I woke up, Regie still sleeping, was hugging my waist. Unfortunately I didn't have time for that and rushed out of bed which caused Reg to wake up.

Reg: wtf is you doin cuh??

He was looked so cute and hot at the same time. He was rubbing his eyes his hair was a mess and his lips were plump since he just woke up. Wow...i mean...just wow.

Oli: w-we have the 9am meeting don't we?

Reg: dumbass thats not until tomorrow today's our day off.

And his morning voice...literally to die for.

Oli: oh.

Reg: sigh* calm down. There's nothing to be stressed about okay? Now come back to bed and get some extra sleep it'll do you good.

He was extending his arms as if he wanted me to go into them, and so that's exactly what i did. And let me tell you this felt amazing. I literally love him. Not just in the way you think it is. More than that. Ok let me explain.

So basically recently..actually fuck that not recently more like a while ago I have been growing feelings for Reg. At first it was hard to accept these feelings. I was in denial, telling myself "it's impossible for me to like Reg." Or "why tf did i fall for him?!" And i tried to stay away and forget the feeling. Trust me I've tried. It caused me to be in a bad mental state not only because i fell for my best friend or because he was a boy or because he will never like me back and also the fact that i tried not to like him but it wouldn't work. But also because....what would my family think of me....the brother....Seb...what would he think.....of me..liking a man. Maybe he would be disgusted or maybe proud? I hoped it would be joy the feeling he felt when i would tell him. But unfortunately that day never came. I was too ashamed of myself. I was scared. For so many reasons and i just couldn't accept it.
Eventually i learned to accept myself, my feelings and the feelings i have for Reg. And it seemed to calm me down a bit more but it stills hurts knowing he wont like me and shit like that, it honestly makes me want to just never see his face again or wished i never had met him. But at least i still have him even if its just as a friend or whatever. I still have him and thats all i need. Even if its harder for me to bare the fact that he will eventually fall in love with a girl...that's enough for me. Even if its hard for me to restrain myself from kissing him and leaving my marks all over him. Its enough for me.

______________Time Skip____________

12:24am middle of the night

Reg POV:
I don't know whats gotten into me lately. I feel the need to be around Oli. The need to protect and care for him. The need to hold him in my arms whenever hes sad or upset. The need to get him what he has been wanting and wishing for. Idk I've honestly never felt this way before. I mean for girls yeah. But never for a man. And especially a friend.
I've always thought I was straight but when i saw Oli...pheww...when i saw him..idk it was like fucking magic. This guy put a spell on me.

Oli: hey? Wanna go get food?

Reg: oh um yeah sure. What you wanna get?

Oli: chipotle?

Reg: alr lets go!

While we were on the way to Chipotle (i was driving) Oli's hand started to make his way to my thigh. And when it reached he grabbed it and squeezed it. And OMG when im telling you i was going crazy, i was going CRAZYY. I couldn't hold back the big ass smile that appeared on my face with a bright red color filling my cheeks. I started laughing a little out of nervousness.
He got close and whispered into my ear with a seductive voice. Which omg it was so hot. I was melting.

Oli: what? Making you nervous?

Reg: i-um...

That was the only thing i was able to say before i turned up the music and started singing along. He started laughing out loud.

Oli: im just joking bro! That shit was funny you should've seen ur face😂

Reg: bro you put me on the spot.

We got there after a bit of driving and we got out the car. It was really late so there wasn't anyone there just us. And the employees ofc. We ordered our food and Oli payed and sat at a table waiting.

Oli: i was thinking.

I looked up at him and put my phone away giving him full undivided attention.

Oli: that for our next video we should do something in the lines of..being handcuffed together. A wide smirk was plastered on his face.

Reg: oh no bro not again.

Oli: no like it would be, for example, Justin and Kane, and you and idk Darren. Just not all of us together. You get it?

Reg: ohhh yeah yeah. Thats good i think we can do that.

Oli: yeah it'll be fun for 24hrs.

Reg: yk what will get more views tho.

Oli: what?

Reg: pairing the most liked ships.

Oli: like sebryan shit?

Reg: yea yeah exactly like that the most popular ones from the group.

Oli: oh yeah the fans love that and especially sebryan.

Reg: yeahh

Oli: alr then its settled I'll tell Ty and we'll tell the boys at the meeting.

Reg: alr.

Oli then went to go pick up our food and we decided that we would go out to eat at a the middle of the night. When we got there we sat down at a bench near by and we started eating and talking about us and the funny shit we've been trough and yk just old memories. We then finished our food and we started playing around the playground. He then jumped on my back and yelled


I started laughing and then ran around holding his legs while he had one hand in the air and the other on my shoulder. We kept playing for a while and then decided to head back home and sleep the night off. So when we got home we changed and got ready for bed. We both knocked out on the bed  as soon as we got in it and unconsciously started to cuddle. Except that was no big deal because we would always do that and eventually got used to it. We would tell each other that it helps us sleep better when we are holding something and that we see each other just as best friends and nothing more but honestly for me thats not the case.

Oli POV:
It is always nice going to sleep next to Reg and waking up next to him as well. I enjoy cuddling with him and I've always told him that we both must be doing it unconsciously to be able to sleep better. But thats not true i always stay up a little later than Reg and wait for him to go to sleep and then go up to him and cuddle him. I just want to feel him in my arms or just be in his arms. And like i said before he is eventually going to have a girlfriend and i wont be able to do that stuff anymore. So i just do it now so by the time he has a girlfriend it wont hurt as much because it'll probably be out of my system. Seeing him is always the best part of my day. He always lightens up the mood when im felling down or stressed. He always helps me with my problems to the best of his ability. I love him. I love this man. And absolutely nothing or no one will be able to change that. Just seeing him. Having him. Being his enough for Me. This is enough for me.


Words 1430

Omg im finally finished with this chapter. Sorry if it took forever i just stay up studying then i am busy with school and doing my exams. But I'll try to make these long, and fast and publish them as soon as i can. Anyway hope you enjoyed! Bye❤️✌🏽

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