Chapter 6, SURPRISE!

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Clementine's POV

Once the lights shut off I jumped out of my chair and looked around as my eyes struggled to adjust to the dark. "What the hell man?!" The girl sitting beside me shouted as she turned the flashlight on her phone on. Loud footsteps echoed throughout the halls, "What's that..?" The boy questioned while looking around. "Someone or something is coming." I replied to him, but the real question is what or who?

Julliana's POV

I hate being in the dark it's creepy, plus with the footsteps echoing in the halls doesn't help! A loud thump is heard then a girl shrieks out loud, and god was it loud. I quickly flashed my light over at the shriek, it was the girl with long curly hair. She gasped and pointed at the door frame, I quickly looked at the doorway and saw a figure slowly walk into the room, smiling. It's white teeth was visible in the dark . Everyone froze in fear and backed away towards the wall. "G-Go away!" Someone shouted in fear.

Antonio's POV

Everyone was afraid of this thing and I couldn't blame them. The lights flashed on and the figure jumped out into the room. It was a man in a blue uniform with a black tie, he screamed. Everyone was surprised and jumped away with a scream, the man had short, curly white hair with black ends and lavender eyes. He laughed so hard he ended up falling backwards, another male walked into the room. He was wearing the same outfit but he had short brown hair and brown eyes. "Sir we're already late as it is..we should hurry up and assign them to their stations.." The male with white hair rolls around on the ground while laughing. "Bwahahaha! Your faces!" He pounded his fists against the ground then after a few minutes he stood up and wiped tears away from his eyes. "Alright. I am your boss, Alexander. And this," He gestures over to the boy with brown hair, "This is my assistant, Joshua. Tonight will be your first night so let me give you a sort of tour. But first you need your uniforms!" Joshua walks over with a stack of blue uniforms and black ties. He hands everyone a certain stack. "Right down the hall to the right is the bathroom, quickly go in there and change."

Couple of minutes later, after everyone is dressed

Annie's POV

Our boss is pretty cool, though he's a jerk for scaring us to death! Everyone lines up in their work uniforms, waiting for instructions. "Well, hello everyone. Starting with.." He brushes his hair back and points to the boy. "You there, what's your name?" He looks down a bit and speaks in a soft tone "Antonio..but you can call me Tony if you want.." "Alight Tony! And you?" "I'm Clementine but most call me Clem or Clemmy." Alexander nods as everyone states their name. "I'm Julliana but you can call me Ana!" "I'm Annie.." "Alright. Hello everyone! Welcome. Now follow me and I'll show you your work station." Everyone follows Alexander and Joshua, they lead us down the hallway. I sort of trailed behind once I heard something move behind the group. I turned around and scanned the area. The air shifted, it was cold, heavy, and eerie. A room door slowly creaked closed, "H-Hello..?" Alexander's voice became more faint as they walked away. My heart began pounding as I slowly walked towards the partially opened door. "Hello?" I slowly reached for the door handle with a trembling hand, something isn't right..

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