14. mother hen

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There was nothing like a good Gryffindor Party to kick off the new semester.

James and Sirius had made it their life's work to organise, in their words, "the best party to ever be held at Hogwarts". All they really had to do, besides flashing their pearly teeth and lightly flirt with whomever they needed something from, was make sure the youngest stayed in their dorms for the duration of it.

They didn't need a repeat of last year, when a second year managed to steal someone's firewhiskey and proceeded to get absolutely pissed. McGonagall was less than pleased.

And by less than pleased, James felt the need to clarify. She was so mad that the boys were scared to leave their dorms for a few weeks. Sirius insisted it was childish worrying for one woman's wrath, but he was quickly proven wrong when he returned looking like a kicked puppy.

He still refused to say what had transpired, but with the fact that he shied away from the professor for a safe two months after that, it was easy to guess it was connected. Remus certainly didn't hold back in his teasing afterwards, either.

Luckily, James had devised a plan; strike a deal with Lily Evans. 

Everyone who knew the redhead could safely say that she was both incredibly friendly and trustworthy, perfect qualities for someone to deal with the kids. Her tendency to be a bit scary did definitely come in handy, too, as the ones who didn't respect her surely feared her. 

The golden badge adorning her chest could definitely help in a pinch, as well, if need be.

No matter how delusional he may act regarding his relationship with Lily, James knew he was in no position to ask any favors from her. Especially ones which benefited her in no way whatsoever.

He brought the subject up to his merry band of thieves, who sadly weren't as much help as he would've hoped. Not even Remus had any bright ideas to share, but he'd been in such a sour mood the entire summer that James wasn't even surprised. 

Peter did at least try, something Sirius didn't even attempt to. But the former couldn't come up with anything better than offering to not prank anyone for the rest of the year, which even he vetoed. 

And while James would bend many of his morals and even twist his opinions for others, completely changing himself was not included in that. His mum had raised him better.

So, in a last ditch effort, he decided to go right to the source.

"MARLENE," James yelled as he chased the blonde down the courtyard.

The second she turned around, she regretted it. In all her years of knowing James, she'd gotten very accustomed to his facial expressions and body language. And it was clear as day that James wanted something.

"What do you want?"

"You know a lot about girls, right?"

Had he actually lost it?

"Seeing as I am one, I'd think so, yes," she said, staring at him with a quizzical expression. "Please don't tell me you're planning on proposing to Lily."

James was quite effectively lost for words, which Marlene immediately, of course, mistook for confirmation. "OH MY GOD! You're not even eighteen yet! There's no way Euphemia-"

"NO- I mean, not that I'd mind but no. I am not proposing to Lily, it's something else, I promise!"

Already having been caught off guard, the blonde had trouble registering the words and only nodded in response, still a bit apprehensive. "Go on then."

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