"With all your past boyfriends all I had to do was threaten and lead them to a trap to kill them easily. But with Sam by the time I was ready to start with him, he wanted to marry you and I couldn't let that happen. So on the night he was going to propose I drugged him and brought him back here. Then I took my saw and-" "Please don't " I interrupted. "started to cut his arms from his body," He continued unfazed by my interruption, "and most people would have died after the second arm , but nope Sammy was a fighter. See those are his arms over there." He pointed to the buckets of oozing limbs. "So I started to cut off his legs. And when he still didn't let up I did what I should have in the first place. I cut out his heart." He finished his 'story' with a smile on his face. He then went over to a torso with no limbs and I knew it was Sam. He pulled a wedding ring out of the jacket that was still on Sam's body. Spencer got down on one knee and opened the ring box, " Amanda Heart Smith, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" "Yes, I will." As soon as he asked me i already had a planned formulated.
For the next few weeks we planned our wedding. Well mostly him because you know... I WAS TIED UP DOWNSTAIRS IN A BASEMENT! But anyway the gruesome day had finally arrived and I couldn't wait to get it over with. I finally convinced him to untie me and let me change in private with some bad luck marriage bull . Anyway I slipped a knife ,I got from one of his trays, in my bra. A few minutes later i'm saying my 'vows' and the whole time he has a gun to the priests head, so its not very reassuring. Anyway right before he says 'I do' I pull my knife out and stab him three times in the chest, just to make sure because last time he got away. His last words were 'I love you'