Chapter 20: A nice surprise

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I appoligise for dissapearing for over a week but i have been busy.

Anyways enjoy this chapter


After Jenna had fallen asleep i waited for an hour before i silently stood up.

I took her phone af the counter and walked upstairs into our shared bedroom.

I had taken a glance at Jenna's phone a couple hours earlier and i saw that she had to get up at 5am to go to appointments and interviews.
I felt bad and knew that she was really stressed so i decided i would be a good idea to give her a well deserved break.

So i looked through her scedule to see what interviews and appointments she had so i could call the people and tell them she needed a break.

The first one on the list was a meeting with her managment team.
I was relieved since these were the people that should understand the most and should probably be doing what i'm doing but i'll let it slide.
So i scrolled through her contacts until i found them and then i hit call.

It rang for a couple seconds before they picked up.
"Hey Jenna, What's up?" A lady asked.
"Hi it's Y/n, Jenna's boyfriend and i'm calling regarding the fact that Jenna has been really overworked and stressed out recently so i was thinking we could maybe move the appointment a little?" i asked hopefull.

"Listen Y/n, i care about Jenna as much as the next person but this is just something that comes with the job.. If you can't handle the stress and busy scedule you shouldn't go into this job and Jenna knows that very well." She spoke switching from her previously friendly tone to a more stern and serious one.
"I know that but she's still only human... You can't expect her to be doing 80+ hour work weeks without a break." i replied.

"Y/n, i love the idea you have but it's simply not possible.." She replied.
"Is there a way i can go to this appointment instead of Jenna?" i asked.
"Look it's really cute how much you're willing to do for Jenna but these appointments were made months ago people have their own scedules, you can't just expect them to change their entire scedule because you asked." She spoke.
"You sure you can't just move these appointments a little? Think about Jenna and how much this could help her.." I pleaded.

"Fine.. I'll see what i can do." She says finally giving in.

"Sweet! Thank you so much!" I half yelled, making sure Jenna doesn't wake up.

I then paced the room a couple times before the lady came back.

"And?" i asked.
"They have taken the situation into concideration and have made an exception for this one time." She replied.
"Thank you so much!" I replied.
"We're moving the appointments to monday next week." She added.
"Alright sweet thank you." i replied.
"Y/n, before you go i just want to say you have my respect for treating Jenna like this." she said.

"Ofcourse it feels like it's my responsibility to make and keep her happy." i replied.

"Tell you what, I'll handle the rest of the appointments. You go be with Jenna." She spoke.
"Thank you so, so much!" I replied.
"Ofcourse and i'll make sure her work weeks are a little more thought out so she has enough rest." She added.
'Damn did i really just do that?'

"That would be awesome." i said not able to control the smile creeping up on my face.

"Have a good night." She replied before hanging up the phone.

I smiled to myself before walking back downstairs.
Before i placed her phone back on the table i disabled all her alarms.

"Good night Jenna" I whispered before laying down and falling into a deep slumber.

{Jenna's pov}

As i woke up the next morning i felt really well rested and just felt better in general.

For some reason i was also on the couch and Y/n was nowhere to be seen.

I grabbed my phone to check the time and i almost had a heart attack seeing the time.
'Oh no it's already 7am... I was supposed to be at an appointment at 5am..'

Realising this i quickly shot up from the couch and rushed upstairs.

As i got to the top i ran into Y/n.
"Why are you so rushed?" he asked confused with a light smirk on his face.

"I-i overslept i was supposed to be at an interview at 5am and now it's already 7am.." i spoke frantically.
He then grabbed my shoulders and made me look at him.

"Jenna, i spoke with your management yesterday and they moved the appointments to next week so you could take a break." he replied with a smile.
"R-really?" i asked surprised.

He then just nodded with a smile.

I then pulled him into the tightest hug i could.

{Y/n pov}

All i could do was smile seeing how happy Jenna was that she was finally able to take a break.
Seeing her like this made me realise i did the right thing.
"You're management is also gonna take your mental health into consideration and make your scedule a little more humane from now on." i added to which Jenna's face lit up even more.
"How do you make me fall in love with you even more every day?" she asks chuckling.
"Guess i'm just that amazing." i replied with a smile.
"Guess you are." Jenna replied laughing pulling me into a kiss.
'Damn i have already said it 5000 times and i'm gonna say it again, I'm officially dating the best human ever.'

After a couple seconds we pulled away and all i could do was smile.
"How do you feel about a whole day without worry planned out by yours trully?" i asked with a smile.
"I would love that." Jenna replied.
"Good cause i spent way too long planning stuff out." i said chuckling.
"Aww you didn't have to do that for me.." she replied.
"I know, but i wanted to do it for you." i said.
She just smiled and holy hell was it contagious.

"How should i dress?" she asks.
"I recommend something comfy." i replied.

"Something fancy comfy?" she asks.

"I wouldn't go too fancy." I suggested.

"Ok." she replied looking for some clothes.

I did the same and eventually we both found an outfit.

Jenna was dressed in some black boots, a pair of light blue ripped jeans and a brown sweater.
I was wearing some white air forces with some wide jeans and a hoodie.

"You ready?" i ask opening the door.

"As ready as i'll ever be." she replied with a smile on her face.


I once again appoligise for dissapearing for so long but i have been busy with school work and just my personal life.

I also really want to update the Tara story but since i waited for that long my dumbass forgot the plot in scream 6 so i'm gonna have to wait until it comes out on some streaming site which i'm not very pleased about but oh well.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and have a nice day/Night.

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