chapter three: the high, council

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"high council ade lima orang, total. lets start with the youngest, ariz."

— ARIZ —

ariz is a good guy. is, if i can say. he's friendly and would always rehat with the form twos. he's an average student, his grades aren't the best and aren't the worst.

he's the youngest because he's the only one in the form four. why? kenapa? sebab ayah dia alumni.

the high council consists of multiple nepotism babies, including ariz himself. he uses his rich and social status to his advantage.

he mostly is seen with kahar, like the other members. sometimes, you could see the two laughing and playfully flirting with each other on twitter and instagram.

he has almost ten thousand followers on instagram, that's like, three school's population.

despite being a bit kind to the form twos, he's just as cruel as the other members.

he won sesi restu and manifestos a lot, showcasing his strength in them.

he's like a cruel summer. a season everyone loves and adore but is utterly cruel to everyone. confess to him and you'll never see him again. tease him and you'll never see the light of day.

but other than being cruel, he's kind, too. he'd always help form twos to carry their bag and books. he'd walk them to class too, sometimes.

we don't know why he does it, or if he likes form twos or not, all we can say is that we think he's bipolar, but that's just a rumour.

— ARIZ —

"jadi, ariz ni baik lah kalau kau kawan dengan dia?" putra said, munching on his newly opened bag of chips. fakhri sneakily stole some for a bite.

putra notices, but only his heart soften at the sight.

ayam nods to his question. "yeah, basically, jantan tu yang paling baik dalam high council." putra hums, nodding in agreement.

he needs to become friends with him. maybe he'll stalk him too. maybe he'll follow him as well. they wouldn't know, right?

"anyways, aku sambung with another member" ayam cleared his throat and stared deeply into putra's eyes, a clear smirk plastered on his face.

"Zahrin and Fahmi, the underrated ones"


these two are basically bffs at this point. you can't see them without the other. they can be seen filming tiktoks together and most of the post on instagram are with each other.

despite trailing around kahar, they will also trail around each other.

zahrin is a nepotism baby. his father had been in the high council years before and his father had told him he needs to fill his space, and so he did.

despite that, he can also be seen flirting with the female students from their neighbourhood all female school, SMNUFA.

he's quite famous there as well. he could also be seen going out to go on a date with those girls.

fahmi is the opposite. he's mostly seen lounging in his dorm room or doing homework. he's one of the top ten students here.

he's popular amongst the teachers too. his name being spoken amongst teachers alongside with naim's, amir's and fakhri's.

("fuyo, kau famous jugak eh?" putra teases the younger. the mentioned name only chuckles shyly, rubbing his nape. ayam rolled his eyes at them. "dah-dah, bagi aku sambung.")

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 ⏰

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