Chapter 1

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My mother always told me I was special and that I was destined for great things. Why? I do not know. There are so many faeries where I live , how come that I am the special one? I think it is just a thing that mothers say about their children. My mom and dad are the king and queen of summer. Our house is just a little walk away from the beach and right next to the little lake. Dad always told me that when you look into our lake you can see your deepest desire. I never saw anything else then myself , but dad said he always saw our family with another child. A brother. My mother never could have children , they found me one day ,in the lake ,in a basket. They never want to talk about it so I don't know much about it but I am happy where I live.

But every ruler has his secrets. My mom queen Tatiana and dad king Arthur rule the East , summer, I am my fathers heir princess Lea. The south is fall ruled by king remus , his wife died 17 years ago giving birth to a child. A son and also his heir , Mattheo. The west is winter ruled by king Theodore and queen sirona. They have two boys , the older one called Damon and the younger one is called Oak. Last of all the have the north , spring , it is ruled by a queen , queen isabella. Her parents died a few years ago due old age. Isabella is my friend and we spent a lot of time together , hunting on our horses or just talking by the river. Or sitting around the lake in the middle of the land.

Tomorrow is my 17th birthday everyone is coming except Winter. Summer and winter have been in an argument for the last few months because they want to marry their older son to me. My parents declined the offer because they want me to choose.

"Darling , don't u want to wait for dessert?" Says my mother when I want to stand up from the diner table. "No , I got a letter from Isabella , she wants to meet by the boarder" I say when walking away. After the guards open the door for me I walk to the stables where our horses are stalled. "Hey there pretty lady , ready for a ride?" I say to the white horse that is standing ready for me. I got here for my 12th birthday and we have been inseparable since. Even though some faeries can fly I can not , it is almost magical if someone would be born with wings. So i take of on my horse and ride to the boarder where summer meets spring and I want for Isabella. I sit on the ground waiting for my friend. After a few minutes she had arrived. "Do you already feel older" she ask me. " you are funny you know , I am turning 17 not 56" she laughs at me and sits down next to me. "So, is Mattheo coming tomorrow?" She asks with a wink. I give here a push while my cheeks turn red. I have been meeting with Mattheo for the past few months by the boarder or we go hunting in the forest in fall. But it is nothing serious , at least that what i think. "Or are your parents going to marry you off to the prince of winter?" I look at her with fear in my eyes " why would they do that" i ask her. She pulls up her shoulders , after that she gives me a hug and goes back to spring. I sit there , alone , with the thought of my parents , what if they do marry me to the prince tomorrow , what if they accepted the kings request. I lie back on the grass , my horse lies behind me with her eyes closed and I look at the sky wondering...

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