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Hi , my name is Renee. I am 20 years old and I live in The Netherlands.

When I was a kid I used to make up stories and write them down but shortly after that I stopped. When I was scrolling through TikTok I came along this account that wrote stories on wattpad. I started following her on TikTok and decided that I was gonna look on her Wattpad. In just a few moments I fell in love with her writing , started commenting on her TikTok and on her wattpad stories. And now she is one of my bestfriends. She inspired me to write again , a story in the way i want it. I help her with the craziest things to put in her story and she helps me to become a better writer. The way our friendship went from nothing to so much made me so happy.


The character in my story , Lea. I got to know lea through Twitter actually , 7 years ago. We have been bestfriends ever since. She is the most loving , caring and she is just a queen to me. We helped each other through everything even though she lived in another country we were always there for each other. 

I love these girls to bits and I hope they both know that. This story is obviously for the readers , but it is in dedication of the 2 most important people of my life!

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