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Kaitlin suffered the first half of school. Elley tripped her and Susanna didn't do a thing about it. When lunch came Kaitlin couldn't be happier. She ran over to Susanna to talk to her. Then Elley pushed her out the way. "You shouldn't be friends with MY SUZY, you're not rich like us." Elley said. Kaitlin looked at Suzy. "Do you have anything to say?" She asked. Suzy stared. "Go away, peasant!" Suzy yelled. Kaitlin was hurt, Suzy was her best friend at her new school, and now she was betraying her. Kaitlin went to go sit at a table by herself. Everyone was whispering about her. Then Kaitlin cried, and she cried. She was dreading the rest of the day.

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