Part 1: Homecoming

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Nova's POV 

Flight attendant: "Ladies and gentlemen. We are landing so please take your seats and strap in." 

The voice of the flight attendant woke me up from my sweet sleep making me open my eyes. Stretching my hands and legs after a few hours of sleep I strap in and then look out of the window on my left. We had been flying for hours and I was really happy that we were finally landing. I wasn't scared of flying I was just not a big fan of sitting in one place for so long.

Where was I flying to? To see my dad. 

I haven't seen my dad for seven months to be exact. My parents separated one year and a half ago. Their separation shocked me. A lot. But of course, I didn't show it because I didn't want them to worry. They always seem like a perfect pair with some differences but so much love in their eyes. I don't know the reason they separated they just said that they didn't feel the love anymore.

For a few weeks, I was empty. Of course, I didn't share my sadness with my parents but I did share them with my friends that understood me. Most of them had separated parents and I was able to talk to them. It was also helpful when I would write in my diary. When I was younger I didn't like to write about my feelings but after the separation, I began to write and I got used to it. So I write in my diary almost every day now. 

Mom met a guy a few weeks ago. His name is Jack and they meet at work. I met him a week ago as Mom invited him for dinner. Jack is nice, friendly, and neat. He is really different from my father. I'm not saying that my dad isn't nice or friendly. He is just not needed. And sometimes he's messy. If I am completely honest I am glad Mom met him. I could see how happy she was with him. 

I could see that they needed some time alone so I decided to leave them and go see my dad. I can't wait to see him. 

When the plane landed I waited for a few people to leave the plane before I stood up and took my backpack from the drover above my head. Inside the backpack, I had my computer, phone, and my diary. As I left the plane I went to get my suitcase. After getting my giant red suitcase I stepped into the waiting room where Dad was supposed to wait for me. 


A big smile grew on my face as I saw a gain sign sticking out of the crowd. Looking down I saw a man I knew for my whole life holding the sign with both of his hands. As always he was wearing his blue jeans, an old red shirt, and brown working shoes that were a little muddy. His short brown hair was as always really messy. But as his brown eyes landed on me a really big smile appeared on his face. 

As quickly as I could I ran down the stairs together with my backpack and giant suitcase. When I came to him I dropped my suitcase so I could give my dad a big hug. He hugged me back as well. He smelled like the clone I gave him for Christmas two years ago.  

Me: "Hi Dad." 

Dad: "Nova. My little girl. Welcome home. How was the flight?" 

He asked as we let go of each other. 

Me: "It was good but way too long." 

Dad: "You hungry?" 

Me: "A little." 

Dad: "Great. Me too. On the way home we can pick up pizza."

Me: "I'm good with that." 

He nodded then he picked up my suitcase and began to walk towards the exit. I quickly followed him. Coming to his old pickup truck Dad they my suitcase in the back. Together we took a seat inside the trust with Dad behind the wheel and me in the front seat next to him. How much I missed this truck.

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