Before We Begin

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Kryse pov
It was another great morning in the daily life of me. I hope you note the sarcasm when I said great, my life was shit. Always has been and most likely will always be that way. I'm pretty sure I have horrible luck with one, dating, two.. interacting with people properly and three being a normal ass mother fucker. For one reason as to why I am not normal my name is Stoner, well that's my nickname, STILL NONE THE LESS STONER... My story is an interesting one but a scary tale filled with twist and turns that many people could not even dream of having happen to them. Sometimes too much for people to handle or to even comprehend. Let me begin my story at the very very beginning of all of this so that it makes total sense to all of you who wish to hear my story. I am being stalked by someone or rather something.. it's not human or rather they are not.

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