Chapter 29

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Today was the day Maddie and Chase get to bring their baby girl home. They've been at the hospital for 3 days now and they have another 2 hours before they get to leave. Maddie was healing up pretty well but is still hurting after giving birth. Evelyn has been an amazing baby so far and sleeps well throughout the night.

"Babe can you help me up? I'm going to take a shower real quick, I feel disgusting" Maddie says to Chase whose sitting on the couch. "Yeah of course!" Chase says walking to the side of the bed to help mads up. He grads her hands and holds her while helping her up to get up. "Thank you" Maddie say's giving Chase a quick peck on the lips.

While Maddie was in the bathroom getting ready for the shower Chase goes over to their daughter and picks her up out of the crib she was laying in. "Your so beautiful my sweet girl" he says giving her a kiss on her head. "As beautiful as your mother" he says still smiling at her. "Chase can you come help?" He hears mads from the bathroom call for him. He walks to the bathroom still holding Evelyn. "Hey what do you need?" He asks peeking his head through the door. "Can you help me get my clothes off? I can really do it without almost falling down or it hurting" Maddie's says with a little laugh. "Yeah one second, let me go out Evelyn in her crib real quick." He goes and puts her down and walks back to the bathroom.

He help he take her pants and shirt off. "Thanks babe" mads says looking up at chase and kissing him. "I love you" Chase says kissing her back "I love you" Maddie says "you going to be good now? Can I go?" Chase ask "yes I'm good now thanks for helping me, go get Evelyn so she's not out there by herself" Maddie says as she starts the shower and gets in.

It's finally time for them to leave the hospital and they are getting all of their stuff put together. Evelyn starts to cry so Maddie goes over and picks her up. "Shhh. Your okay" Maddie says in her baby voice. She calms her down and start talking to her "hi baby girl ready to go to your home?" Chase is looking at his girls and he loves how good mads is at being a mom already. He goes and gets the car seat to put Evelyn in so they can leave. Maddie puts her in her car seat and they get ready to leave the room.

The are driving and Maddie is sitting in the back with the baby. Chase looks in the mirror back at them and smiles. When. They get home chase goes over to the door and opens it and helps Maddie out before get Evelyn out of the car. They walk in to home and Maddie says "welcome home baby girl!" Chase looks over at mads and smiles "to being parents?" "To being parents!" They kiss and walk to Evelyn's nursery. "This is your room!" Chase says.Maddie gets Ev out of her car seat and sits down with her in the rocking chair, chase sits down next to them on the floor. "We can do this mads, your going to be an amazing mom and we will be the best parents to Ev and we will be fine" Chase says. Even though Maddie didn't show it she was scared to become a mom and didn't think she could do it, but Chase was there to help and talk to her and tell her that they will be fine. Evelyn starts crying " looks like someone's hungry" Chase says. Mads pulls her shirt up and unclips her nursing bra. Evelyn latch's on pretty fast. As Maddie is feeding the baby Chase gets up and kisses her head "i love being a dad already!" Mads smiles "and I love being a mom, even though I'm nervous I know we can do it."

It's now night time and they have already gotten the hang of being parents. They were sitting on the couch while Evelyn was in her bassinet next to them. Maddie is cuddled up next to Chase.

This is short but I haven't updated forever and I feel bad!! But I need ideas baddddd!

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