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No blossoming tree is enough,

To warn my melting heart,

To signal the passing of time,

The end of all known.

The sky clears, as though contemptuous,

I will never agree with its stance,

Clouds follow my every move,

La noche no es oscura suficiente para cubrir el vacío.

Solitude, your company,

My love, your torture,

Storms, a sunken ship,

Approaching the shore is my lost spirit.

Las flores de cerezo te trajeron hacia mi,

I curse and hate them, long and care for them,

El empuje no fue preciso,

Solo llegó tu cuerpo,

tu alma estancada,

Tu corazón atrapado en el ayer.

The pain of art, the broken melody,

So ethereal its wanders, yet so deadly,

An empty night sky,

The stars all ran away,

With nowhere to go,

They couldn't bear to see your face,

As I watched night turn to day,

With no other company than the cry of distant rain,

The saddened landscape,

Looked like your name.


Venture with me,

I can't bear to be alone,

You'll never hold me so close,

Tan cerca que tu mirada saborearía,

Ojos de miel,

Hazme saber de una vez,

Si al otro lado de la luna,

Fue tu voz la que escuché.

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