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-Night Time-

-Y/n Pov-

I changed my clothes since now its night time

I was driving to the destination and I looked and I was just thinking to myself

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I was driving to the destination and I looked and I was just thinking to myself

That this isn't good and I was getting a bad feeling about this but I didn't stop

There was a man who was signaling me to come in

I just hope I'm not getting myself into something dangerous

I got out the car and it was a man in the garage sitting in front of little packets

?-who is this?

R-relax...she is with me and besides it's not like any of you guys was going to give me a ride.  I'll be damned if I called a cab here.


?-doesn't look like one of your little friends...I assume you're trying something new

He walked beside me getting in my ear

R-she is very good at doing what she is told

?-yeah? Can't judge a book by its cover, huh

These assholes really need to shut up

Y-listen if you're done here-

?-is the coke ready?

R-take your time checking it

What the hell are they talking about?

I looked over and there were bags full of drugs...a lot of them


Now i get why he made me do it...he is using me as his drug runner

?-mmm nice

He said sniffing it through the plastic wrap. That motherfucker. Using people like they're tools in the shed!!

??-how long u work for Rui?

Another guy said and i rolled my eyes i was already irritated and cold I literally have nothing but a tube top and thin jeans

And Rui?

Y-none of ur damn business u fucking weirdo crack bastard

??-what are u just his runner?i ain't never seen him with a partner??u let him fuck u or what?i mean if he is using u for this and u only have on that he must have liked it huh?

Excuse him?i know this crack head fucker isn't talking

Y-is that how u worked ur way up?

??-excuse me bitch

He said getting in my face and i smiled looking up at him

Y-yea...yea i guess folks like u would do anything to get a foot up at the top huh

??-u got one more time bitch-

Y-i can smell the dick on ur breath then again it just might be shit

??-what the fuck do u know u stupid whore!!

He put a gun to my neck and i stared up at him not one ounce of fear in my eye

??-watch ur fucking mouth or ima put something in it

Y-what?thats shrimp u call a dick?

??-u got one more time or ima blow ur pretty brains everywhere and not just u, oh no...ur family too

?-ugh the dumbass is at it again

??-u hear me?

Y-ur breath stinks

Next thing i know Rui grabs the gun and and chokes him up moving him away from me and punching him repeatedly beating his ass

R-next time  u stick a gun in my girls face...i'm gonna make u watch as i bust in ur family's head  killing them then making u eat it...before killing u

?-gotta give it to the Yakuza they do look out for family

He said coming over by Rui then looking at me

?-and u...u got some nerve princess staring down at that gun u got some guts i respect that. The haul looks good to go lets load up.

I looked at Rui and he looked at me smiling


He went back looking at the guy telling him to handle his guy

R-no funny business u hear me?


R-would hate to have to come back or find u...have fun, take care


We was in the car and i was driving while wearing his coat

R-u didn't bat an eye at that gun...most people would shit there pants. Mainly males

Y-i seen a lot of that in my day...i'm not scared

R-learned a lot from the streets huh?...i could tell when i first saw u...ain't nothing normal about this wolf in sheeps clothing

Look who's talking

Y-normal or not i don't know. All i know is shit like that. Ain't new to me, but as for this?...i'm not ur girl i don't do risky runs ok?

R-why its a breeze compared to fucking your face in that parking lot  like some whore, but i don't know maybe u prefer that...wanna give it another go?

Y-thats not what the hell i meant!

I said angry yelling at him. The audacity.

R-eyes on the fucking road crazy lady u gotta death wish

I did as he said calming down

Y-now those shady guys know my face and thats...thats way worse then sucking ur dick in the parking lot u asshole

R-so what?


R-u don't have a choice now. Remember?...its all part of our deal

I gripped the wheel and swerved to the side of the road

R-i give u money. U do what i tell u. Potato Potahto. This and that. Odds and ends.

Ha...u gotta be shitting me. I get it now.

Y-u liked it huh


Y-u liked how i sucked ur cock huh?u want to fuck me?

R-now when did i say that?-

Y-u don't have to ur eyes and cock does...u want me, u want to be inside me, and control me...u want to fuck me

R-...maybe i do maybe I don't

Y-don't play games with me. I know u wanna fuck me i can tell, but u know if thats what u want, thats all u have to say


He stayed silent smirking and i shook my head

Y-so u wanna keep playing this game? Fine i guess-

He grabbed me pulling me close and kissed me roughly while i unbuckled my seatbelt going over to him straddling his lap

R-sounds like ur the one who wants it

He says getting all close and i smirk

Y-says the guy getting all clingy

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