Chapter 1- discounts and miracles

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So this is the story of a girl named Allison and her blue blanket. The blanket has always been mysterious, her mom bought her blanket before allison was born at a shop that was on discount. Everything was 75% off but no one went in. Her mom is an ultimate shopper, when there is a discount near by she can somehow feel it. She went to the shop and only one item stole her sight, the blue blanket. She went to the chashier with the blue blanket in her hand, the cashier said that the blue blanlet wasnt discounted even though the sign said all items were on discount. Then the cashier mumbled and said it was for free only for her. The cashier sounded something like this, " i'm sorry but that blanket is not on dis- mmmmm that blanket is for free only for you"
The mom totally accepted that offer and took the blanket. Without knowing, when the mom walked out of the store, the cashier passed out. The next day there was a news about a man who found a lot of money in his closet. The man gave half of it to charity and the rest, he used to pay his dues. The mom was a kind woman and she also decided to give money to charity. Every night, she covered her big belly (which had allison inside) with the blue blanket. The doctor said her stomach was supposed to hurt from time to time but after she bought the blanket and used it, nothing hurt.


So hey!
This is my first story so I'm really sorry if its bad and i know it is

Please vote if you like it so i won't think that its all bad jkjk

Its really up to you

Laff u guys



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