Wenclair Confirmed.

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Okay, I get it, I should be working on my other stories, but honestly, Wenclair is so good. And I may have about 10 other wenclair fics in my WIP pile. I'm sorry.

I would like to thank my buddy Sharkie for reading this even though she's not in the fandom and helping me with it. I love you, monkey! Thank you<3

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"So the rumours may be true. Actress and pop icon Enid Sinclair was seen holding hands with a mysterious woman dressed all in black. Pictures below show the two 'gal pals' sharing an intimate date on Valentine's Day before leaving together.

The mysterious woman opened the door for Enid after their dinner date and was even spotted holding a chair out for her beforehand.

Is Enid Sinclair finally coming out of the closet or was this just a Galentine's date with two close friends?"

Enid giggled as she finished reading the blog post and rolled over in bed, holding the phone above her slightly.

"Why are you giggling like a schoolgirl, Mi Amore?"

"Look, you are a mysterious woman who I was seen out with last night."

Wednesday lifted her head slightly to get a better look at the screen and the images Enid was swiping through before she lowered her head, pressing a kiss to the blonde's exposed shoulder.

"God forbid one takes their wife out on Valentine's date- you might be confirmed as gay, how horrible for you," Wednesday murmured, her arm curling around Enid's waist, pulling her impossibly closer.

"I know."

Enid's phone buzzed and she lifted her eyes to the screen again.

"The way Enid has been spotted with said mystery woman many times over the years and they're still called 'gal pals' is ridiculous."

Enid read aloud.

"I agree."

Wednesday pulled herself out of bed and Enid huffed at the loss of contact.

"Wednesday, come back."

"I need coffee if I'm going to hear about this mystery woman you're dating."

Enid saw the faint hint of a smirk as her wife pulled on the black robe from the chair beside their bed and tied it around herself.

"Or," Enid sat up, the blankets falling from her chest. "We can forget the phone and you can come back to bed."

Wednesday paused, the tone of Enid's voice sent a thrilling shiver down her spine.

She glanced over her shoulder, swallowing thickly at the sight.

"Cara mia," Wednesday breathed out, licking her lips as she tugged on the tie, the robe loosening from her body before she dived back onto the bed, capturing Enid's lips in a kiss as the blonde laughed happily and freely, the phone fell from her grasp and thudded to the floor as she pushed her hands over Wednesdays shoulders, the robe sliding away.

"I love you," Enid whispered against her wife's lips.

"I love you too, Enid Addams."

Enid lit up at hearing her name leave Wednesday's lips before curling her arms around the shorter woman and kissing her deeply.

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"Viper De La Muerte writer, Wednesday Addams to be connected to Enid Sinclair as who the blonde was with on Valentine's Day. They've been seen together multiple times over the years, hand-holding, on dinner dates, and even shopping together. Enid was shopping, Addams looked very bored by the experience while sitting on the store's 'boyfriend couch' where (typically) men would sit while waiting for their partners to hurry up. Bags surrounded the writer while she waited and then she was seen carrying all of them for Sinclair when the blonde purchased more. Leaving just enough room for hand holding and for Enid to carry her whipped cream-topped drink from Starbucks."

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