The beloved Chaos! /j

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Colle/Lucas: What is even happening anymore?

Sabre: You ask me bro-

Colle/Lucas: Why are Seer and Shadow fighting in the first place?

Kim: Pwapwa!

Colle/Lucas: Hey darling-

Genesis: Colle you never told me you had a daughter-

Colle/Lucas: Haha sorry Genesis

Sabre: Who are you?

Genesis: I'm Genesis a friend of Colle's and who are you if I must ask-?

Sabre: I'm Sabre his twin brother

Genesis: I never knew that Colle had any siblings

Colle/Lucas: Nobody asked me if I had any siblings so that's why I never brought it up

Genesis: What's your daughter's name?

Colle/Lucas: Her name is Kim but only one person can call her a nickname

Genesis: She looks a bit like Seer-

Seer: Because that's my daughter Genesis

Genesis: I never knew that

Seer: We hardly see you so that's why you never knew that Colle and I had a daughter

Genesis: It's not my fault that I'm busy with stuff

Kim: Dwadwa!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2023 ⏰

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