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She sat there staring at the peaceful pond as thoughts raced through her mind. Pondering over the things that had recently fell on her lap. A sigh exited her pink lips as she leaned on the small red bridge floating over the clear water. The warm summer breeze caressed her body and grabbed her pink locks making them dance. She linked her hands together as she put her elbows up on the red railing in front of her. She had done it, completed her fiftieth mission as an ANBU special ops at the age of sixteen. Which was an accomplishment in itself, however that was not the most surprising part. After getting back from Ame where her mission had taken place. She went to the Hokage to report and was surprisingly offered a place that was of high importance as one of the Sannin. She had been shocked at being offered this high position at her age. She was given two days to give the Hokage her answer on the matter. However it was difficult for her, even though having the position would grant her many things others would not even dream of.

This position however came with a price, her part of the deal would be to leave the village for six years. She would go to lands that no one knew of, that were too dangerous to document for the normal ninja. She would have to leave her home for six years, leave everyone she cared for. However when she got back, if she got back, she would be granted the privilege of basically doing whatever she wanted. She would be able to leave the village without announcement, she would get paid without doing missions. She would have housing at places almost as large as the Uchiha compound. As well as being able to start her own clan of ninja, the Haruno clan.

There were so many things she would be granted, however she wasn't sure if she wanted to pay the price for it. Leaving her home for six or more years, abandoning the only thing she has ever known. What would her best friends think about this... what would her father think about this. More importantly, what would Uchiha Itachi think about this. She absolutely dreaded the thought of telling him, and dreaded the thought of telling him that she was considering it. She had no idea what he would do when that information was set in front of him. She had been considering just leaving without telling him, however that would be a foolish thing to do. Considering the fact that he would literally hunt her down and drag her back himself. Or worse hunt her down and demand to go with her. Sakura was driven out of her thoughts at feeling a familiar chakra signature approach.

She rolled her eyes as she felt them attempt to sneak up on her. They hid behind a bush being careful to make no sound while maneuvering behind it. Sakura let an amused smile go to her face as she heard a small twig snap.

"Hello Naruto," Sakura said not bothering to turn around while she did. She heard the bush russell and a string of cusses exit Naruto's mouth as he fell to the ground exposing his position. He got up and brushed himself off with a childish pout on his face.

"Saku, how do you always know it's me?" Naruto questioned grumpily with his arms crossed over his chest. Sakura turned around with a smirk on her face as she looked at Naruto.

"Naruto, you may be a good ninja, as well as a powerhouse with all that chakra, however you lack one skill," Naruto looked at her telling her to continue. "You always forget to mask your chakra and your a bit too noisy for stealth missions." Sakura looked at Naruto as he deflated and fell to his knees on the ground groaning. Sakura rolled her eyes as a soft smile graced her face. Yes she would definitely miss her goofy, childish, best friend. Sakura turned quickly flipping out a kunai and blocking an on coming strike of a katana.

"Nice try Sasuke, but you are going to have to be a lot more skilled to sneak up on me." Sakura smirked at the sixteen year old raven haired boy in front of her. He smirked at her with a mischievous glint crossing his eyes. Sakura smiled at him and flipped out another kunai putting it behind her to block one of Naruto's attacks. "Haven't you learned your lesson yet boys, don't mess with me." Sakura smiled at the brightly letting go of her kunai and grabbing the boys wrists squeezing them and making them drop their weapons. She then propelled them forward with a pull on their wrists and jumped up avoiding the two boys collision. They rammed into each other's foreheads making them fall to the ground in agony. Meanwhile Sakura crouched, much like Kakashi on top of the railing on the small red bridge.

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