An enigma

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Blah blah blah excuse, I'm sure you are tired of hearing about them but there was a reason I haven't updated in a while. Anyway here is the chapter, hope you like it. 

They walked into waterfall after Sakura handed in her ID scroll and the guards let them pass giving Hidan a skeptical look as they did. Sakura ignored them for the most part and Hidan trying to piss her off tried to pick a fight with them because of the looks they were giving him. Sakura grabbed him by the strap connected to his scythe and pulled him forcibly through the gates with her.

"You know I might just leave you to get arrested if you pick fights just to piss me off." Sakura glared at him and he grinned mockingly. "Or kill you myself." She muttered with a sigh. Sakura and Hidan looked through the village Sakura wanting to see more of it incase she had to leave right after giving the Kage the scroll. Ignoring Hidan's protest Sakura decided that she wanted to go to lunch. Going down street after street as Hidan talked her ear off with complaints Sakura finally managed to find some place to eat.

"Oh come on Hidan, you cannot tell me you aren't hungry." Sakura pouted and he smirked.

"I am, I just really enjoy annoying you." Sakura's eye twitched in agitation as she walked into the small tea shop.

"Noted, now next time you do it I have full justification in hurting you." Sakura smiled at him and he rolled his eyes.

"Kid you couldn't hurt me if you tried, Immortal remember." Hidan stuck his tongue out at her childishly and she punched him in the gut knocking the air out of him.

"You were saying?" She asked as she tried not to fall to his knees. He looked at her holding his stomach and grinned widely.

"Bitch I live for this kind of pain." Sakura furrowed her brows and slightly stepped away from him.

"So you're a masochist, great to fucking know." She muttered under her breath and straightened up slightly when a waitress came over to guide them to a table. A cute preppy blonde girl who reminded Sakura slightly of Ino. She smiled at both of them not seeming scared of hidan and his giant scythe. In fact Sakura noticed she was looking directly at Hidan as he stood up.

"Table for two then?" The waitress asked and Sakura nodded gesturing them to follow her. They did being seated at one of the corner tables and given their menus. "Would you like anything to drink or do you still need a minute?" The woman asked staring admiringly at Hidan, who Sakura had just noticed was pretty much shirtless. Hidan seemed to ignore her as he looked at Sakura waiting for her to order.

"I'll take a pot of the strongest black tea you have." The waitress looked at Sakura and nodded then looked back at Hidan.

"The same." He looked out into space closing his eyes slightly as he thought. The waitress nodded looking at him for a moment before she composed herself and smiled.

"I'll have those right out and be back for your other orders." Sakura nodded and looked at Hidan. With the way that woman was staring at him you'd think he somehow formed into a god or something. Sakura observed him and squinted her eyes not really understanding why that woman was so enamored with him. She supposed he was attractive, however he definitely wasn't her type at all. She glanced at the woman at the counter busying herself with order and back at Hidan.

"She's cute." She stated and Hidan snapped out of his thoughts and glared at her.

"Crossing the line." Sakura smirked a little at that and leaned forward.

"What all I said was she was cute, and obviously totally adores you." He clenched his fists and Sakura smirked even more. "You know we might be here for a few days, I'm sure she'd be more than happy if you visited her~" Sakura wiggled her eyebrows playfully and he slammed his fist on the table loudly silencing the whole tea shop. Sakura looked at him plainly stilling leaning slightly over the table as he glared at her. "Fine, fine I've had my fun I'll stop." She put her hands up in surrender with a small smile on her face.

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