You're My Safe Place

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"Well things are looking good, thank the gods. You've been doing good these last few weeks." Will says and I smile a bit before shaking my head dropping the smile

"Does that mean you're gonna get off my back?" I ask but deep in my gut I didn't want him too

He smirks flashing his pearly white teeth at me making my stomach flip

"Not a chance di Angelo, you are stuck with me." He says and I roll my eyes but smile a tiny bit

"Oh did death boy just smile?" He asks and I look up

"No." I say to quickly and he chuckles at that

"Sure, you know I'm starting to think you enjoy my company." He states and I smirk a bit

"In your dreams Solace." I say and he smiles a bit and goes to write something down in my chart but glances at me a bit

"You know, I see you so much I'm honestly considering that we're friends now." He says and my eyes widen a bit

"Really?" I asked a little surprised and he nods

"Come on Nico your in here 2-3 times a week. Whether you're injured or sometimes you just come in to volunteer." He says putting the clipboard down

I guess he's right, I am in here a lot. And I won't admit this but I enjoy his company. I just never thought he'd see me as a friend

"Maybe." I say a little jokingly and he rolls his eyes

"I'll see you at the camp fire death boy." He says with a smile and I hop off the bed

"Probably won't. You know I don't go to those things." I state and he huffs but I walk out stretching

I need a nap

I head to my cabin kicking off my shoes and I lay in bed and Will filters my brains as I drift off

Maybe I should go to the fire tonight...

Before I thought about it anymore tiredness takes me over and soon lights were out

Time Skip

Fear fills me as a nightmares hit me and I wake up freaking out my breathing heavy and tears flowing down my cheeks

I grip my hair taking quick breaths when I feel shadows surround me and I appear in a different room on a different bed

I hear someone say my name but before I could register where I am and who it was exhaustion hits me from using my powers and I collapse on that bed and I was out

(Time Skip #2)

I wake up feeling a hand on my head and my eyes flutter open and I'm met with Wills worried looking eyes

He says I'm awake and sighs in relief

"Nico are you okay?" He asks me with such a worried tone and I frown confused

"I'm fine....wait a minute where am I?" I ask sitting up

I'm in a bedroom the sheets were sky blue and the pillows were orange. Not to mention I noticed I was tucked in the bed

"You're in my room, head councilors bedroom, you just shadow traveled in my room last night then passed out from exhaustion." He says looking confused but worried

Embarrassment fills me and I pull the covers off and sit on the edge

"I-I'm so sorry I really am...I didn't even realize I did this...maybe I did it in my sleep I uh I don't even know." I say standing up and he reaches out

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