One shot

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I've noticed that there's very few fanfictions on these dorks so I decided to write one myself. It has been in my draft for quite some time now. Tanya is aged up here. I've taken their manga designs here. I had posted it on Ao3 so I decided to post it here too ~
Also read along the music cause it really adds to it.
Comments are appreciated ~


𝓕𝓲𝓻𝓼𝓽 𝓢𝓷𝓸𝔀

Nobody tells you how beautiful the sound of silence is until you yearn for it. Not that it was silent right now,the streets were bustling with holiday crowds and music filled the air. The air is cold and frosty as she took a look around the streets. Maybe the holidays weren't that bad,besides the occasional glances she gets from walking passers- by. She feels a strong gush of breeze as she continues walking the street. Shivering, she wraps the coat tigter around her. Her legs limp as she feels her fingers freezing.

As if wasn't already cold. Was it going to snow today? She glances at the sky checking for any signs of snow. The dark sky laughed at her,she blinked as she continued staring at the sky as if to laugh back.
Children around her were singing and running, parents were stealing glances at each other as a silent kiss.
She shrugged as she gritted her teeth. She'd have to wash the dishes in the cold water today and-

"Returning home?"

She whipped her head back,startled by the presence behind her.

Erich von Lehrgen.

She let out a breath. Did he love getting behind people and giving them heartattacks? She turned her body to face him.

"Just needed some essentials", she gave him a weary smile as she shrugged at her bags of essentials.
Did she have to meet him today out of all days? She did not want to make a conversation now. Idle talk always irritated her. Now she'd have to ask him stupid questions.

He blinked as he felt the corners of his mouth twitch. She was still smiling at him. Her hair was let down and she was dressed in a skirt that reached her knees. Her coat was gripping her so as to shield her from the cold. He felt his stomach burn. He won't be able to have dinner today either. He did not want to have a conversation with her but he had  no other choice. It would be awkward walking in the same direction if he didn't greet her.
Not to mention who buys essentials at this time of the day? Obviously this devil. But who was he to question her?

"How is Serebryakov?"


He nodded as he looked ahead walking in the direction of his apartment.

"She's fine."

Why was he asking her about Visha ? Was that the best conversation starter he could come up with ? She squinted at his tall figure as she continued behind him. The streets smelled sweet and citrusy as she walked behind him. Meeting him at this hour was weird coincidence,did he live at this part of town? She shrugged,drawing his attention.

" I was wondering if you liked this coat"

She blinked twice.

" You've been staring at it for quite some time."

That bastard.

She gritted her teeth but felt the ends of her mouth turn upwards nonetheless.

He was the one looking at her now,through his glasses. He lifted his finger to push his glasses upwards as he forced back a smirk.
There she was back with that devious smile of hers.

"Actually",she smiled innocently.
" I was looking at your greasy hair"

He blinked.

So she wanted to play this game. He adjusted his glasses as he glanced at her. Her hair was a mess,strands of golden tossed around, Her eyes were fierce and cold and her lips were parted as she let out a breath. A steam of fog separating them both. He had to admit she was beautiful,something not to be handled,something tragic.

"You talk a lot for someone who lives off coffee.",he shifted his feet as he continued walking.

"Coffee is the only reason I'm sane",she replied as she felt herself tighten the coat around her body.

"Really? I thought the taste of victory kept you going"

She pulled a face at him as she pushed a strand of hair behind her ears. That's when she saw it. His lips turned just a little upward as he turned and continued walking.

She shrugged as she followed suit behind him at this rate she might reach tomorrow. Guess she'll just eat a piece of bread and sleep tonight.
Had he always had such a dry sense in humour? Maybe. But what he said did make her smile.

"You intrigue me,Degurechaff."

She blinked and swallowed as she felt her mouth go dry and her cheeks burn.

"That's funny.",she replies."People find me uninteresting and boring"

He stopped and turned. A flicker of a smile and a gaze unwavering. She could see his face now under the moonlight. His face conveying silent words as his eyes softened.

She had to get closer.

Closer to him.

She wrapped the coat around her body as she lifted her legs, walking towards him. She heard the crunch of the snow as she kept her legs moving as she brushed her shoulders silently against his. That's when she felt the first frost on her face. She looked up to meet his face and his lips were turned upwards.

She blinked and then she nodded as she walked next to him. He continued speaking. The children around them chattered and music drowned the atmosphere.

But all she could hear was His voice.


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