chapter 7 what is this place

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We then got out of the vent. But something was off where are we. And what is this place. We then look around the walls where neon color and some of sides where glowing we then walked down the hallway. But the door wouldn't open so we walked some where else it didn't seem anyone was down here. We found another door but it wouldn't open but then when I walked past the door it unlocked Kate said "wait what?" I look in my pockets and grabbed the key card and said "the key card did that." We open the door and walked in there where seats and clipboards but it didn't make any sense?

We walked to the other door and unlocked it with the key card and open the door it was a room with CCTV on the Cam's it was the house we where in while I was looking I saw Lars... Turned I felt sad Kate then said "dude look." He Pointed at a door that said classified only high clearance allowed in. We went up to the door and open it with the key card it was classified documents and papers. We look through some of them while I saw the word darkness corporation and I said "I heard that name before." Ruby then said "huh what you say?" "I heard this name before."

Kate said "if this is a corporation then where is everyone?" "Maybe they got out?" Shadow said we didn't know for sure until I saw rubys name on a document it said test-187 Ruby then said "I was part of a test?" In confusion we didn't know what was going on so we left the room and look around for a exit I went onto one of the PC's in the CCTV room I looked through the CCTV. But then I saw a room called 72 I also remembered that number I went to find the door and found it after some looking. Kate said "umm so why did you bring us to this door?" We opened it but every thing was trashed it looked like someone was in a rush.

Ruby said "I think it's time we get out of here I don't want to stay here any longer." We walked out of the room and went back to the CCTV to find a exit. While I was looking on the pc I saw some classified documents but I didn't know the code to access them. So I kept looking though I then saw a document. It was called darkness but I couldn't access it because I didn't have a code so I looked around the room with the classified documents in them I looked one by one. Then I saw a code that said 7183 I went to the pc and put the code in I got access I then started to read the document.

It said the darkness date (redacted) I started to read some of the important stuff it said the darkness is a virus that came to are world from another world but we don't know what world it came from. It started to make animals into monsters and started to take over the world where the darkness was first located is (redacted). "Wow." I said in shock but then monsters started to come out of nowhere before I ran I saw a USB with all the classified stuff on it. I took the USB and ran with the group but we couldn't find a way out until I remember I saw a vent in room 72 I said "everyone there's a vent that should lead us to the exit in room 72.

We had to kill some of the monsters blocking the way to get to the vent we got into the room and got in the vent while we where in the vent. I was still thinking of the classified stuff I got and what Lars gave me I looked in my pocket and got it out. I look at it with confusion it was some bage but I couldn't read it because of the dirt on it so I had to put it in water and get rid of the dirt. But I had to do that later because I was in a vent we then got out and rested we came out of some bunker. At least we got out alive but I still felt a bit sad for Lars I felt like I made the wrong choice but we started to walk in the rain again.

I looked at the map and it was going to take days or months to get there I was also holding my pistol because I kept on hearing sounds so as soon I heard a sound I would point my gun at it. Ruby started to notice so she came up to me and started to talk to me "I know it's hard after what happened with lars." I then said "yeah." I went to a river and put the bage in the water. Some of the dirt came off and I could read the bage now it said darkness corp class-5. So he must of worked at darkness corp but why didn't he tell us before? We then stopped at some old house that looked like it was made even before I was born.

We looked around and I found a watch I grabbed it and look at it. It was working I put it on me the time was 3.34pm. While we where looking around we noticed that it looked like someone was hear before us we kept looking around but didn't really find anything until we heard someone talking. We hid behind one of the tables I looked up it was two animals one of them was a dog and one of them was a cat. Kate quietly said "Snowy can we fight them what kind of weapons do they have?" I looked back up and the dog was looking at me. The dog pushed the table and started to shoot at us "RUN!"

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