Chapter3: Old Scars Burn Again

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The group talked and laughed for a while, until Minho asked Jisung a serious question.

'Hey Jisung, has Jinhyuk done anything or come near you since earlier?' Minho asked sounding concerned.

Jisung shook his head lightly and asked 'th-thanks aga-ain, I-I d-don't know how t-to r-repay you' Jisung mentally punched himself for stuttering so much.

'We all heard about it all last year, actually, also are you okay mate? Your stuttering quite a lot' Chan let out a chuckle.

Jisung, embarrassed, just said a small 'oh' ignoring what Chan said about his stuttering.

'He does that sometimes...' Felix trailed on.

'He's like the shy one amongst us four' Seungmin continued.

'That's cute' Minho chuckled and looked at Jisung then back to his food.

Jisung choked on his food a little and his face turned as red as a tomato. He then excused himself to the washroom and left the group.

Jisung washed his face, but unfortunately to his horror, he saw Jinhyuk and his two minions standing behind him, smirking through the mirror.

'Well, well look who's here all alone' Jinhyuk grabbed Jisung's face to face his.

'Leave me alone, you had enough last year' Jisung tried getting out of Jinhyuk's grasp, which only made Jinhyuk grab harder.

'Oh come on, I didn't even get to put my duck in your donkey last year'

'And you never will' Jisung said as he finally got out of the man's grasp.

'Oh really?... Boys, grab him' Jinhyuk ordered his minions, who did as he said.

'Now, I think I should prepare myself' Jinhyuk pulled down his pants revealing his duck and shoved it in Jisung's mouth.

Jisung started crying and begging them to stop, but to no avail.

-Meanwhile, in the cafeteria-
'What's taking hyungie so long? Shwouldn't he bwe back by now?' Jeongin slipped as of how worried he was, while Changbin secretly adored it he was also worried for Hisung even if he just met the guy.

'Yeah, he should' Felix said, as he and Seungmin were pretty worried as well.

'I'll go check on him, I'm done eating anyway' Minho said as he got up to leave and heard Felix let out a small 'okay' before he left.

'Hey it's gonna be okay, he'll be fine.' Hyunjin gave Felix a reassuring smile.

Minho checked every washroom on the floor until he heard what sounded like someone begging and crying. Minho put us ear closer to the door so that he could hear better and heard crying.

'S-stop s-stop, p-please d-don't' Jisung was now crying on the floor on all fours except his boxers.

'Shut up, and stay still unless you don't wanna get hurt.'

Before Jinhyuk could do anything further, Minho kicked the door open.

'What.The.Fuck.Do.You.Think.Your.Doing, I'd get out if I were you'

Jinhyuk wore back his clothes and ran out of the washroom with his minions right behind him and yelled out,

'This isn't the end, Han Jisung'

After Minho made sure they were far away, he ran to Jisung, who was still crying on the floor to make sure if he was ok.

Poor Jisungie☹️, Jinhyuk's a bitch anyway how are you my loves? Did you eat? drink enough water? take enough rest?

♡♡♡♡♡Poor Jisungie☹️, Jinhyuk's a bitch anyway how are you my loves? Did you eat? drink enough water? take enough rest?

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Look at how cute this man is🥰🥰

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