🏛️ The Court Case 🏛️

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I honestly don't remember the court case which happened in the Ghkkpm episodes 800-804. Thus I'll just start from the final judgement. Here goes!

Judge: Based on the arguments and counter arguments presented today in the court, it is clear that Dr. Sai Joshi and Dr. Pulkit Deshpande have a good medical reputation and have been performing their duties in an exemplary way! Cancelling their medical licenses would mean losing such great doctors in the field of medicine. Hence, after a lot of deliberation, this court declares them not guilty and their medical licenses won't be cancelled! 🙂

Sai was exhilarated! She closed her eyes and sighed with relief! The fear and doubt torturing her day and night slowly left her. She gave a small smile to herself full of relief and happiness. ☺️

Pulkit too was equally happy. He too had a bright smile on his face. He was quite relieved for himself but he was mostly happy for his sister Sai. He joyfully gave her a sisterly hug which Sai reciprocated. Their feelings of freedom, relief and happiness could be felt by everyone in the court. 😅☺️

Unknown to them, few people were watching them with different emotions running in their minds. 🫣

Pakhi was furious. Her plan to defame Sai had failed. She continued to stare at her with hatred and malice. 😒👿

Virat looked happily at Sai. He now thought that Sai might feel grateful and indebted to him for saving her. She might even start to love him again. Yes, it hurt him a lot when she had said that she was neither nor would interested in him, but he was still hopeful that she might come back to him. The thought of Pakhi's defeat didn't even cross his mind. 🙂😐😒

The Chavans had varied expressions. Kaku was happy for Sai and Virat. Ashwini looked concerned for Pakhi, while Ninad had a small smile on his face for Sai and slight concern for Pakhi.🙂

Dr. Satya Adhikari, on the other hand, had no selfish thoughts. Dr. Sai had left a variety of impressions on him. Seeing her candid laughter and happiness, without any trace of showoff, a small, genuine smile spread on his face. Whatever he had done for Sai was purely professional, to bring out the truth, and concern for a fellow doctor. But was it wrong if he felt something else for her, something personal?! Satya mentally slapped himself and tried to distract himself from such dangerous thoughts. He decided to focus on the judge instead! 😂

The judge continued his sentence.

Judge: The Court also finds Mrs. Patralekha Chavan guilty of putting false accusations on these 2 respectful doctors and trying to defame them. Hence the court orders her to pay a fine of 5 lakh rupees and to give both a written and verbal apology to both Dr. Pulkit and Dr. Sai. Case dismissed. 🔨

Pakhi's furious expression turned to shock! 😳 Apologize?! To Sai?! And that worthless Pulkit?! Her hatred increased further and she almost wanted to go kick the judge!

Judge: Mrs. Chavan. Please apologise to them quickly and leave. We have other cases to solve here today. You may pay the fine and give the written apology within 3 days. 😐

Pakhi almost looked murderous! 👿 Virat and other Chavans was shocked as well! He tried to catch Pakhi's eye to calm her down, but she ignored him! She tried to say something caustic to the judge when her lawyer stopped her.

Lawyer: Mrs. Chavan, control yourself. If you don't, more problems might come up!

Pakhi looked at the lawyer in disgust and turned towards Sai and Pulkit.

Pakhi: Dr. Sai and Dr. Pulkit, I am sorry I put false allegations on you. And I hope you won't trouble me again, Sai, so that I can put another case on you! 😠

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