🤔 Sai or Pakhi 🤔

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Forgive me, my friends. I had an important exam this Sunday, and had to post applications to apply for my higher studies! Hence, I couldn't update this chapter! Sorry! 😔😅

It was also very difficult to write Pakhi's perspective in this chapter, because (sorry to Pakhi fans) I can't relate to her! She is such a complicated character, I swear!! 🥴😮‍💨

Also, I had to use the proper words and sentences here to convey the characters' thoughts in a very subtle way! For example, Kaku, here, is shown to be both selfish and caring, and Vinu is shown to be both angry at Sai and loving to his mumma, Pakhi! So, these complicated scenes were tough to write!😓😣

Forgive me if this chapter is not up to your expectations!🫣🫣

Pakhi's POV

As they were going back to Chavan Nivas, Ashwini tried many tactics to get Pakhi to talk and maybe smile a little, but she only gave one word replies. Tired of her useless chatter, Pakhi wore her airpods and pretended to listen to songs while lost in her thoughts. 😞

She truly was an idiot! How couldn't she realise that that good-for-nothing Dr. Satya was  reverse questioning her?! He had tried to provoke her and she, foolishly, had taken the bait! The case had been going quite well in her favour until that doctor decided to intervene! 🤦🏻‍♀️😠

Pakhi didn't want anything much. She just wanted Sai to leave her, Virat and her little Vinu alone. It was true Vinu wasn't her biological son, but he was the only one whom she had truly loved! Yes, she had tried to brainwash that poor kid, but (according to her) she had done it only for his safety, and to make sure he won't go away from her! Even before she had come to know that Vinu was her surrogate son, she hadn't thought of him as her adopted son, she had treated him with a lot of love and care as her own son! She truly loved him! Whenever Sai was around, she always felt a sense of insecurity and fear that she might take away her family and her rights to lead a happy life. From the time Sai had entered her life, her life had become a literal hell. Technically, it was Virat and her own assumptions which made her life a hell, but she had tuned herself to think that everything was Sai's fault.😤😠😒🙄

When a person starts to assume certain things and tries to convince oneself about something, that person starts to believe that his/her assumptions are the truth. It may not be correct or the truth, but the thoughts itself influence that person that it isn't their fault but some third person! This sort of thought process might become quite dangerous, both for the person and to the people around him/her! 🙂🙃

Pakhi was fed up with everything by now. She thus decided to start afresh with Virat! She knew Sai and Savi were his only weaknesses. Thus, she first had to make sure to (fake) apologise to them. If she could get on Sai's good side, Sai might be compelled to leave her and her family alone! She then knew what she had to do!☺️

Kaku's POV

At the court, Bhavani (Kaku) had seen Virat leave to go get Sai and she felt very happy. Patralekha was foolish to put a case on Sai when, clearly, it was she who was wrong. But, Kaku was happy that Sai had won, along with Virat's support! She hoped that now Virat could reveal his heart's feelings to Sai, and that they would get together and live as a family with their 2 kids. Yes, Kaku had treated her pretty badly before, but now she understood that only Sai could give some peace to Virat! That poor boy had been leading a lifeless life and every time was faced with a choice between love and duty! Now, hopefully, he would get to live his life peacefully with his lady love and his 2 kids. 😒😒😢😢

(Notice the subtle selfish thoughts of Bhavani I have penned down here!? She wants Sai back in Chavan Nivas just for Virat's sake and for the sake of peace, not to give justice to Sai!) 😑

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