The Art of Connection - An Essay

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Dating can be simple, though it is the most uncommonly understood aspect of Humans. I have always divided the fundamentals of a relationship into two separate parts, or understandings. The first aspect is easy to understand, now I'm not giving regard to same sex relationships, though it may apply. Rudimentary dating is this: The moment you see the girl, the attraction is made based on their gender. Even in this moment, a connection has been created. For the guys, the trick of attracting the girl you desire is more difficult than the way women would approach the same situation. The man has to show their interest in the girl without the appearance of neediness or in other words, desperateness.


People want what they can't have. This is a corny saying but is still engraved on the minds of each person. The thought is developed from birth, commonly known as curiosity. The thought of the unknown is exciting, and with each exciting thing in life you will encounter those that need that adventure. This is the second aspect of the connection, the thrill of the new person. Humans are very hardwired to seek out more and more in life. I'm not condoning or trying to justify the so called, "Players." This is a fact that one must be aware of, a fact that can neither be changed nor ignored.


With that in mind, the connection is not all about personal appearence. I personally make judgements on whether or not I enjoy a conversation with her. One thing too remember is you must be comfortable with them to actually be yourself around them. You know that moment when you meet that person for the first time, how awkward you felt inside, that is normal, don't try to control it. If you are nervous then be nervous, because I promise that they feel the same way inside.


Going back to the roots of Segment 2: People that are prone to new and exciting relationships are most likely those that will deal falsely with whatever standards you have established for a happy relationship. If one sets the standards to high, its more easy to backslide. If you set them to low, you may give he or she enough slack to get away with neglecting or cheating. The bonds of a good relationship are highly based on social class. It is very difficult for a man with little means to satisfy a women with a higher quality of living. It is possible for two social classes to love and live, but not common.


One danger of mixing financial classes is in this example: A girl provides more quality of living for the man than the man does for his women. The guy will eventually become dependent, awkwardly dependent. This imbalance will result in confidence issues on behalf of the man, and also will lend to over concerns of cheating. The guy will develop the fear of his girl, perhaps falling for someone in her correct social class.


To even comprehend actually having a good healthy relationship lies within yourself. The rules of first engaging a prominent partner are as follows.

- If you meet someone that is willing to cheat for you, they are willing to cheat on you.

- The reputation of someone is loosely based on actually facts. Pay attention to each thing you hear, and pay attention to detail.

- If you marry someone, you marry their family as well.

- Trust is the most essential element of a long lasting partnership. Without trust you have NO relationship.

- People DO make mistakes, apart from cheating, learn to forgive the minor ones. Allow room for growth.

- Never change for someone, only with someone.


On the grounds of religion, it's important to seek out those that primarily share your personal beliefs. Much for the reasons of Segment 5. When children become involved in the situation, which view shall be their primary view? His or hers. For example: The man is a Nondenominational Christian while the girl is an Evolutionist. Instead of the child picking one over the other, he or she may in fact decide on the in between and not believe for or against. Of course it is their personal decision when it comes down too it, but why divide the mind unnecessarily.


I hope these facts will be useful too you in the future or maybe even now. This is how I analyze my relationships and that's okay to over think things. Try it and enjoy these thoughts, please give me any feed back if you will. Any and all statements will be greatly appreciated. Simply In Box me or Comment below!

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