Chapter 8

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Dons phone buzzed in his pocket and quickly flipped it open. "Yeah, Charlie? Ok, ok, slow down, his name? Ok, thanks. What? Yeah you can come back down here, just be careful!" He turned to David and Colby. "His name is Remus Williams, he was a math professor from England, and got a scholarship to teach at ULA, and apparently there's more, but Charlie wants to tell us in person, he'll be here in," he checked his watch, "Five minutes."

"Should we try to get communication in there?" Asked David

"Not yet, we should wait until we hear what Charlie has to say, he might have something useful."

Five minutes later, Charlie and Amita burst into the room. Charlie immediately began explaining. "So Remus Williams has an IQ of 165, born in Whales, moved to the US in 2003, got married to Eliza Smith in 2007, had a kid in 2008, and then in 2011, his wife was killed in a car crash. His specialty was Fibonacci numbers and he gave a number of lectures on them all over the country, taking his son with him, and then, last year, his son was killed by a hit and run driver coming home from school, who was trying to hit another gang member. He sort of fell off of the map after that. Nikki and Liz went to his house and-"

"You wouldn't believe what we found." Nikki cut off Charlie as her and Liz walked up.

"His place was covered with umbers and quotes and weird newspaper articles. He was as obsessed as you can get." Don nodded.

"Alright, Colby, David, you can try to get a line of communication in to him. Make sure the kids and Larry are alright, then we'll try to get in."

"What?" A gruff, gravely voice came over the phone.

"Hello, Remus? Remus Williams?"


"My name is David SinClair, and I want to help you."

"The FBI can't help me."

"I can, you just need to listen to me. I can help you get out of this."

There was silence on the other end.

"I need to make sure prof. Fleinhardt is ok. Can you put him on the phone?"

Again, there was silence, until- "Hello?"

"Hey Larry, how are you? Are you and the kids ok? How many are there?"

"We're all fine, just my 2 o'clock class, you know-"

"See? They're fine. Now help me."

David paused. His 2 o'clock class? What did that mean?

"Ok, ok, that's a start. Thanks. Now what can I help you with."

"I just need more time to think. Just give me more time to think."

"Ok, ok, I can do that. Just call if you need anything."

"He wants more time." Said David, confused. "And something about his 2 o'clock class." He directed this last comment to Charlie and Amita. "His 2 o'clock class?" Amita said, just as confused as David. "That class has only thirteen people in it, including Larry." Charlie said, confused. "So why would he send someone out? Thirteen is a Fibonacci number, so what is he doing?"

Just as the words left his mouth everyone realized what was going on. "We have to get in there." Said Amita, her eyes the size of dinner plates.

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