12: The Witches' Sacrifice

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I was trying to piece together an essay in the library with Lavender when Timothy found me. He had sent a text, so I wasn't too surprised. Just greeted the young man happily. I really liked him. And was pleased he had asked if he could meet me. Wasn't I? For some reason I wasn't sure.

I closed the laptop.

I had somehow misplaced the charging cable but the battery life of the little device was amazing. I would still probably need to get a new one.

"Morning, Lavender," he greeted the other girl, who waved absently. She was chewing the end of a pen and was deep in her own thoughts, probably consumed by the oncoming exams.

"Are you busy?" Timothy asked me.

I shook my head. I only had a few pending tasks this week.

Lavender looked at us irritably. It was obvious her concentration hung in balance by fragile threads. It would snap if we continued talking near her. I rose and followed Timothy. We ascended a few stories up, to an area reserved for idle chatting. There weren't many students there, as it was lunch time. Most conversations and casual meetups happened in the canteens.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I asked. "Something study related?"

Timothy shook his head.

"No. Not study related. I think I am quitting again. What do you know of the elves?"

I stared blankly. "What did you say?" I must have missed something.

He repeated the question. Just the question.

I still didn't understand. Which I said aloud.

"I just need more information of what they are. It's important. I think I will have to live with them, or they are going to need me for something. I am not sure. Because I know nothing."

A silence.

"Clover? Did I say something funny?" Timothy looked at me worriedly. "I know we have our differences, but this is important, a life and death situation."

I cleared my throat.

"Are we, ermm... talking of, like, Tolkien elves? Or what is this about, because I am not following."

His frown deepened.

"No," Timothy pronounced slowly, "I am talking of magical beings that inhabit the inner parts of the main island where it's too mountainous for human towns. That is more or less what I know. Because I have never seen one."

"You wish to see an elf?" I asked.

"No. I want to know what they might do to a vampire that is sacrificed to them."

I didn't know what to think. Lavender saw bad nightmares and was having occasional seizures even, the always sure-footed Valentina was becoming absentminded and now Timothy was asking what I knew of elves.

I tried to find a smile for him. It came out forced.

"Maybe you could talk to my uncle? He is the head of Folklore studies," I suggested. It seemed the only reasonable path onward.

Timothy nodded. The gesture was slow and deliberate. He eyed me at least as worriedly as I felt about him.

"Where are your glasses?" he suddenly asked.

"I don't know," I answered. "I lost a lot of things when I moved in with Valentina. My glasses, some cables, some of my favorite jewelry... And I seem to see just fine without." I shrugged. "I'll see an optic if I start to get headaches. But for now I am good."

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