chapter 2. The pain

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Narrator:after being brought back home Tenma stayed in Okinawa for some weeks , before the start of his high school life. Now let's see what happens further.

(Tenma was seeing a nightmare)
Tenma: wait!!(seeing someone who was walking ahead of him)Do we know each other?

Narrator: person is not talking anything, he just stood there. And few moments later he started running and disappeared.

Tenma:wait... No don't go I want to ask you something, wait, wait!!!!!

(The person from the dream disappeared nowhere. Then Tenma woke up....)

Tenma:yeh..was it a dream?
(Looking at the clock it was past 7:30 a.m.)
Oh no I am late now. Mom will be angry. I better get up now.
( In a rush head up to the restroom for fresh up. Then he came down to the dinning table slowly... without making any noise but was caught by his grandfa ... )

Tenma's grandfather (Tenma's father's father): Good morning Tenma!!!!!Did you have I a good sleep last night?

(All the eyes were on Tenma.... poor boy was stunned..)

Tenma: good morning ji-chan, I had a good sleep.

Tenma's mom: come on then let's have lunch. We even have to go to the check up. Hurry up...or else we will get late.

Tenma: yeah!!

(After the lunch....they went to the hospital for check up and came back. Now.....)

Tenma:(looking at the sea from his house backyard) it's so big . You never now if someone went inside it .

Narrator:Sasuke barking and taking attention towards him

Tenma: I wouldn't go there you now. How can I even think to leave you and our family alone haa?Sasuke let's go home everyone must be waiting for us.

Narrator:Sasuke replying and then Tenma came home.. then at night Tenma was thinking....

Tenma:is this fine. Am I worth for living this life, should I not go and search for my friends or did they forgot about me? What should I do? Should I return to were I belonged?Am I allowed to go back to there? would they accept me as who I am now?

Narrator: asking these questions to himself he slept but again was haunted by a dream, where a truck suddenly came and hit him hardly he fell down seeing the blood flowing from his body . He shivered but that time he didn't suffer any physical pain but there was a pain in his heart for forgetting the people who cared for him as well as he kept them very close to his heart.

Tenma:( waking up, sweating....) another dream?(got up and drank some water then looking outside the window. He saw a beautiful sea shining under the moon like a bed of pearls.) beautiful!!!!

Narrator: in the morning, Tenma went for jogging. He ran and ran till he was unable to run. After removing the shoes he saw that his foot were covered with bruises. He then started sobbing...then

Tenma: why ?why?why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!why it should have happened like this. It should not have to be like this.

His inner self :(appears)you are so bad . How can you even forget the most important persons in your life like that?How can you even hurt them in such a way that then can't even tell you back anything?You are rude , selfish. How can you even live peacefully when somewhere else people who care about you are worrying?

Tenma:No I didn't meant to hurt them. I also want to be with them but I can't remember anything.

His inner self:Are you giving excuses to stay away for them ? How coward are you? You are not allowed to be happy!

Tenma:No....I am telling you the truth and I really care about the people who care for me it's just that.....even if I try harder it's just I can't remember anything (pressurising himself to remember is memories) hurts....(faints from the pain.

Narrator:in his mind a boy appears and says "is that all you have got I had thought that you were much more stubborn than this, I have given up so fast before trying. I was really waiting for you from so much time but I think we will not be meeting now . Then , if you wish to!! it will be our last meeting right?then bye"

Tenma:(in his mind)No ! wait!! who are you? have we met before ? Wait you were the one who appeared in the dream this morning right? I have so many questions to ask please answer those first? wait don't go...

Tenma:(snaps out of the hallucination)wait ...I am still on the beach ah... it's already evening.I am very late , mom is going to get worried if I don't go back now .

Narrator:Tenma goes back home and gets scolding from his mother as he was very late and did not even came for lunch. After having dinner Tenma was gazing at the sea and the reflection of the moon in it.....then

Tenma:the moon is really beautiful and the sea too .....if someone is to be going into the sea will be lost in it .

Tenma's father:Hey!!what were you saying now ?

Tenma:No!! it's nothing.

Tenma's father:You really got I good scolding from your mother right? for a moment I thought that you were lost on beach that's why you got late.

Tenma: ahhh..that sorry , I should have informed you before but I was really was very into the running that I literally forgot about the lunch and at the end it was evening till I noticed. But I promise that would never happen again and would not make you worry.

Tenma's father: It's fine , it's nothing like that I am angry or something but everyone was bit worried about you.

Tenma:(with tearful eyes)Dad....I am sorry--

Tenma's father: Keep it aside. How is your health?Are you fine with your body? Do you have any questions regarding anything? Yes tell me I will tell you anything you ask (asking enthusiastically while catching Tenma's arms tightly & with sparkling eyes)

Tenma: Dad I am fine and I don't have any questions also. It's just that I think I will go back to Inazuma town again. I think I should be besides someone now. So I want to go back there and start my life again.

Tenma's father:If you wish to them I can't really stop you . I will do the arrangements for you then but when are you going?

Tenma: Tomorrow!!

Tenma's father: is not it a little early. I have not even spent some time with you . wait are you angry with me or something else(crying like a small and possesive father)
Tenma:No!Dad it's not like that.

The story continues.......

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