Part 1

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" You are so dumb Aadhya " 

" You were the only reason for this Aadhya " 

" You are not even beautiful enough  that's why your husband cheated on you " 

" You are really straightforward and arrogant that is the reason for your divorce Aadhya " 

I shut my ears , these taunts were continuously ringing inside my head .  . My whole body was stif like a rock my eyes were swollen and red because of crying . 

" Look here she is " said my aunt she just wants  drama in her life that's why she came here 

" Aadhya have you were look at yourself , you look nothing as compare to that girl shanaya . It was obvious " said one more aunt and my parents were looking down .. but whyy?? 

" Aunty if he had ever  loved me he would never betrayed me ... Just get lost from my house please i am requesting please " i shouted with emotionless face 

" See she has no manners at all , she is soo rude ... I think your husband was fed up by your this attitude " 

" That's enough , you can't insult my daughter ... Please get lost " , my father said with rage ... for the first he has taken my stand i wish during my marriage he had listened me too .. 


" Aadhya , Please come here daughter " , said papa and maa 

" What happen papa , lemme guess again marriage " , i said with frustration 

" Beta look him he is so good and he is soo rich too , he will keep you happy " , said papa 

" But papa his money and looks are not gonna decide that he is a right person or a wrong person " , i said calmly 

" Beta see you are 26 now , and you know i have worked in their company for so long as manager and i have met him few times he is a really nice guy .. And the best part is he is of our caste too " said papa 

" Papa but how could i marry a mere  stranger " , i was annoyed  by all this 

" See Aadhya i am your father and i want you to have a well settled life" said papa in his ordering nature i hate this 

" just say yes Aadhya " , said aunt  i hate these aunts so much 

" Bhaisaabh you have pampered her so much , she is so spoiled by you ", said aunt  

" When i was her age i was so afraid to deny my father for anything and look at her , spoilt brat " , she said again  my blood was boiling in anger 

" I guess bhaisaabh she is having affair with any boy , lemme tell you Aadhya we are against of this kinda marriages ok said aunt again 

" She is right Aadhya " said papa  , and here we go my father got manupilated by these aunts 

" Aadhya you have to marry him for the sake of our respect please " , said papa 

" Why are you even taking her permission bhaisaabh just order her for the marriage " said aunt again ... My mother was sitting quiet all the time , she wants to take my side but she can't because of that bloody aunt 

" Aadhya you have to do this marriage , the guy is really perfect for you and he will keep you happy .. even you don't have to do job after marriage because he is so rich  " said papa 

" They are coming tomorrow and we will fix your marriage and i don't wanna hear anything now " said papa and aunty smirked 

I lock myself in the room , tears streamed from my eyes ... i cried my heart out .. I opened my phone and messaged my boyfriend Arjun 

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