Part 2

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" Papa " , mumbled with  hoarse voice 

His father in law was shocked to see Aadhya's condition , her eyes were swollen , her hair were messed up

" What happened Aadhya and are you fine , What's wrong why are your eyes puffy ? Were your crying ? Did Arhaan did anything  ??" , asked Arhaan's father bombarded manyy questions on her . Tears started flowing from her eyes

" Your son cheated on me ", she said in a low voice  Aadhya , Arhaan's father was beyond the shock as if ground slipped beneath his feet . He couldn't believe his son can stoop this much low 

" What are you saying Aadhya ? My son can't do this ", said Arhaan's father he was dumbfounded

" This is the truth , and your son sleeps with his assistant ,. You can ask your son , he cheated me . I can give your proof also " , said Aadhya with rage her eyes were red 

" But he is not like this " , mumbled Arhaan's father still can't believe that his son did this 

" look your son has come , ask him he will tell you the truth " , said Aadhya

" Arhaan , tell me whatever Aadhya is saying is a lie please " , said Arhaan's father while holding his collar in anger  , Arhaan looked down in guilt 

" Arhaan I'm so ashamed that you're my son , you slept with another women . Atleast you should have given Aadhya a chance " , Arhaan's father shouted on him then he turned to Aadhya 

" I am sorry beta , this is all my fault i guess i have forced you both so much for this marriage " , said Arhaan's father  said breaking down into tears

" Papa this is my fault and i know I'm wrong i did a wrong thing  but papa i hate Aadhya she is not of my type , but you didn't even asked my choice . I married her because you threatened me that you'll cancel my shares " , said Arhaan defending himself

" You have done a blunder Arhaan , you have spoilt this girl's life " , shouted Arhaan's father and slapped Arhaan

" Papa i love shanaya and i want to marry her " , said Arhaan he said in higher tone 

" Aadhya , I know that Arhaan has done a big blunder . But he can't find a girl like you , you're perfect for my son . Please forgive him once , and please continue this marriage . Arhaan is dumb he doesn't know what's right for him  " , said Arhaan's mother  and Aadhya looked at her with tears

" Aadhya doesn't deserve a rascal like him , please don't force her " , said Arhaan's father 

" Maa this marriage can't work because he love someone else and feelings can't be forced , i guess we should separate said Aadhya in a husky voice and her mother looked at her with no hopes 

" As your wish beta but we will always love as our daughter only , if you ever need us please contact us we will always there for you " , said Arhaan's Father  and hugged her tightly

" And for this brat , you are no longer the successor of our company i will make someone else the chairman of the company and get out from my house " , said Arhaan's father in rage

Aadhya left their house and few days later she got divorced 


Present ( After few months )

Aadhya was walking down the street , she is currently doing job as a software engineer in a company

" Ohh look at her , she is a divorcee right " 

" I have heard that her man used to sleep with some other girl "

" yeahh , and i don't know how she married to that guy "

" she is not even beautiful , i am much prettier  . If I would be on her place he would never cheated me "

" Actually she isn't his type , her ex husband was such a hottie "

People were again taunting and judging her but she is used to it by now . Because she knows people will blabber shits and she has to ignore all these .. But deep down these cruel words by the people hurts her alot 

" Beta look this guy he is a widower , umm he has 1 kid " , said Aadhya's mother while showing her a picture of a man 

" Maa please don't do this again i am already fed up by all this " , Aadhya shouted  , she is no more a confident and bright girl , she smiles occasionally nowdays . She is going through a mental trauma which has destroyed her 

" Aastha i have already said please don't force her for second marriage " , said Aadhya's father

" I just want to see her happy again in her life , look she has become so gloomy " , said Aastha 

" Maa if i found somebody who will truly love me , i will marry him " , said Aadhya but deep down she knew she will never find someone


At office

" Hey Aadhya come here " , said sneha , Aadhya's new friend in office

" Hiii sneha , how you doing ? " , asked Aadhya

" I am awesome as always , what about you gloomy brat ?" , said sneha jokingly and Aadhya smiled

" Btwww a new guys has joined our office i guess you haven't seen him , he is sooo hotttt like seriously every girl in our office was drooling over him ... his name is Aakash " , exclaimed sneha

" Nice then he is going to be my jiju or what " said aadhya jokingly

" Aree you know i already have a bf , and i can't cheat him" , said sneha and Aadhya pat on her back

" Very nice girl , we should not hurt someone else feeling by cheating them " , said Aadhya and a lone tear escaped from her eyes and sneha quickly wiped that

" Don't shed tear for someone who doesn't deserve " , said sneha and hugged her

" Snehaa can you come for a secondd "

" Yesss coming " said sneha and left

" Ohh shoot i have forgotten to take my medicines  " said Aadhya to herself

She is being suffering from depression  after her divorce


How was the update guys 

Do you guys love Aadhya ? 

She definetely deserve someone better right 

Don't worry she'll got one .. LOL 

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