epsidode 1: mother base ft bunk bed junction

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Seychelles waters, mother base

Year: summer 2018

Kaz: they're late

Ocelot: they will be here, don't worry

Kaz: That's what's worries me .

Kaz: The helicopter should have been here right now.

Ocelot: Kaz, we live on a rig that borders a bunch of small island countries, and we are near Somalia , India, and the Middle East, thousands of miles from here. They will be here, so calm down.

* Kaz ignores his advice and keeps watching the ocean*.

Quiet: *appears near ocelot *

Ocelot: oh hey quiet what's with the big umbrella?

Quiet begins to appear and disappear to get a plastic table, two chairs, and a yellow poncho designed for her in case warm weather gets warmer or absorbing too much rain water.. and some cold water.

Ocelot: Whoa, umm... OK, what's with - * quiet teleports* * he grabs the umbrella and puts it in the plastic table. *

Quiet picks up kaz and grabs his cane and puts him in the chair.

Kaz: Hey!!! What are you doing ?!?! Quiet!!! * lands on chair*. What are you- * gets hold down with his cane by quiet *.

Ocelot: they will be here. Don't worry, Kaz, look.

Ocelot shows Kaz on the i- Droid and shows the helicopter pilot named peqoud it also shows mayday and zuke . The eta shows 36 minutes to mother base.

Ocelot: See, they will be here, so chil

Kaz: All right if you say so.

20 minutes later....

Kaz: say, where is everyone?

Ocelot: From what I can remember is that venom snake is on another mission, I think code talker is at the States, and huey and strangelove are at some meeting in Belgium.... and I think paz is having memory therapy here.

Kaz: This is gonna be the longest 36 minutes .

Ocelot: yeeep

36 minutes later....

Kaz : *has his beret on his face while trying to sleep*.

Quiet: ..... * checking the sky through her sniper rifle scope* ( man must be a long detour to get here.)

Ocelot: * cleansing his gun * ..... hmmm.

Quiet: i-s s-o-m-e-t-h-i-n-g w-r-o-n-g ?

Ocelot: they should be here by now.

Quiet:c-h-e-c-k t-h-e r-a-d-i-o.

Ocelot: peqoud, come in peqoud. You're a minute late. What's going on?

Peqoud:... this is Peqoud. Sorry for the delay. Some strange shark started chasing us and delayed us for a bit, and we had to defeat it.

Ocelot: Did you say some strange shark?

Peqoud: correct, sir. I'm not making this up.

Ocelot: All right, we'll clear the landing pad for your arrival.

Peqoud: copy that Peqoud out.

Ocelot: Kaz, wake up they're here .

Kaz: *wakes up * Finally, let's get ready.

* While clearing the
see someone approaching them*.

Paz: hello quiet nice to see you.

Quiet: p-a-z h-o-w a-r-e y-o-u d-o-i-ng a-f-t-e-r y-o-u-r t-h-e-r-a-p-y?

Paz: I'm doing fine, thanks but what about you? Are you OK?

Quiet: s-a-m-e a-s e-v-e-r b-y t-h-e w-a-y, n-i-c-e n-e-w o-u-t-f-i-t

* her outfit has long sleeves, longer skirt , has a patch of diamond dogs, and outer heaven on the sides*.

Paz: Thanks I love it though are they here?

* points to the helepad*.

Mayday : What is up motherbase.

Zuke: never thought we'll be doing a peace concert somewhere.

Mayday: where is * sees paz* oh hey what's up.

Paz: hello Mayday I hope the trip here wasn't too hard on you.

Mayday: it felt easy easy for us paz.

Zuke I could use a hand with the equipment, though.

Mayday: Sure, wanna help paz?

Paz: I would love to mayday.

A few hours later....


Narrator: the rock for peace concert manage to make 8.9 billion dollars and convince some of the world powers to use the money help Egypt with the aftermath of the flood crisis.

The end---->

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