Chapter 4:3 Mouth's Later

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It's been 3 month's since Ruby left the Dukedom

And she has never been better

Rona explained to her on the way to Frosty's Cave that when they were planning for an escape she went to try and contact them

But because she didn't understand their language she decided to look for way's to understand

Then that's when she came along a magic tool store that sold any type of translation jewelry from other kingdom's language, To holy language, To even Demon's

So Rona knowing Popo and Chirpy were demon's and Frosty was a Dragon, She bought two matching general translation Ring's which were the most expensive of all

But She managed to get them thank's to them recognizing Who Rona's mother is

So she got a huge discount despite still being expensive

and that's how she got them and traveled to where last in sight they where and good luck to her she found them!

She told them everything and was able to also meet Frosty

Who also agreed to help her

Turn's Out Popo and Chirpy were the first plan of escape but if anything went wrong and the orb could nor be used the Frosty would come at Rona's Scream Sign

Well right after explaining they got to Frosty's cave and were able to catch up together

After Awhile Ruby expressed her concern about the very high chance Izek and the Knight's had on finding her here

But again it seemed Rona was a step ahead because The Mountain that no one goes two because its ruled by Demon's and other creatures So the Kingdom nor the Dukedom own it was now their new place to live

Frosty crushed the top of the mountain and made it flat so they could make a house and made and easy down passage way and up way to they can get down and up whenever they needed

And in less then two day's with they help of Frosty, Popo and Chirpy along with other one's they made a huge castle for her

And with the help of Frosty, They put a huge mana stone inside to make a border and hallucination so it doesn't look any different so no one suspects

and Frosty gave a small portion (In reality a huge one for human's) of his cave goodies and put them in the hidden basement of the home for them to use

And just like that a home for them was set and ready for it's owner

Oh and the Mana stone also controls the weather inside and out for them but not the illusion

As for food,

It's not a problem as Frosty and the other's sometimes bring them some things

But also sometimes go in town to buy 2 weeks of supplies to last them long so they dont go every once a week

Oh and dont worry they both have a Mana stone that help them change their appearance so no one recognize's them

And now they are heading back in town for more food and supplies for these 2 weeks

"My Lady are you ready?"Rona said as she put her mana stone changing her hair color to red and green eyes

"Yes I am" Ruby said taking her and and getting on the huge sled looking ship

Her purple hair and red eyes being covered by her hoodie

"Alright then, Hand on tight!" Rona said as she gives Popo the signal as Popo pushes them and go down

"WHOOO" Rona yells in happiness

Ruby hugged Rona tightly as she laughed too

This is her favorite part about going out

She get's to slide down the mountain with Rona and its so much fun

It's the most fun she has had since she possessed Ruby

Without realizing it Ruby was crying

Rona noticed immediately and hugged her while smiling

"My lady......Your Free now...Enjoy it.....You deserve to have fun and smile" Rona said

"right....sorry I couldn't help it"Ruby said in Rona's arms

"Never Apologize for being happy My lady" Rona said hugging her tighter

"Ruby"Ruby mumbled

"Huh?"Rona said

"Call me Ruby from now on.......We are like Family Now"

"Of Course!" Rona smiled as she pressed her cheek onto Ruby's


(Meanwhile at a shitty place)

The room was a mess broken chair's, blood, broken window's

and in the middle of the room stood Izek holding Ivan by the neck

"Where is she?!" He demanded

"I-I I dont know" He said choking

"Brother stop this instant!" Ellen yelled at him

everyone wanted to stop him

But they knew they couldn't

Izek had just returned from his exhibition

Only to return and find his wife missing and no one had noticed

Not only that her personal maid Rona was also missing

and no one damn knew where they were

Izek throw's Ivan on the ground and draw's his sword

"Brother No!" She yells

"Please Izek what's the matter with you?!" Yelled the green tea bitch

"You better get on your knees and beg to god that she is alive and well"

he said holding the sword right at his neck brushing his skin and letting out blood

"The moment I find out what truly happened, You all, Including you sister better pray and beg on your knees she is in one piece because even if one hair is out of place" He said removing his sword and walking out

"It will be not a pretty sight"

He said glaring at them all

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