Chapter 9: It's too late to Apologize

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It's been three day's since Ruby returned and not once had Ellen visited her

But Ruby didn't care

She had enough waiting and wasting her tears on people who dont deserve it

After that Izek told her he will hold a farewell party for her and Rona 

Ruby was currently in Izeks room as he said it was best if she stayed there

Now here she was getting out of the bathroom so she can change into her nightgown

Tomorrow is the big day

They day she will have her farewell party and leave the Dukedom 

Ruby quickly slipped on her nightgown as she looked at it

Ruby quickly slipped on her nightgown as she looked at it

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It was a costume made nightgown Izek had ordered for her to be made

If she was honest she really liked it

It was comfortable 

As she finished up she heard the door creep open

She turned around to see Ellen and behind her Ivan

Ruby was a bit shocked since none bothered to see her, so she has expected them not to come at all

Ruby quickly changed her demeanor into an emotionless one

"What is it that you need?" She asked them as they stayed silent staring at her

They stayed silent

"too quite" Ruby said to herself

Suddenly Ellen walked over to her making Ruby jump

"I'm......Sorry" She mumbled


"I'm.......s..or" She said again but in a smaller voice

Ruby was getting a bit annoyed 

If she needed to say something she should just say it

How come she is having problems NOW saying what she wants to say when in the past she didn't even hesitate

"I cant hear you" Ruby said holding off a little

It's Too Late To Apologize (How to Get My Husband on My Side)Where stories live. Discover now